[Abstract]:.. Vishnegradzki and Cynthia. Vitert was a political elite in the late days of Russia. They were first known to the Southwest Railway Corporation. Vishnegradsky, then chairman of the company, was a strong supporter of Victor. In 1885, Vishnegradsky resigned as chairman of the company. In order to seek the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer, and recommended that Victor take over as chairman of the company. At this point they were like-minded partners, Vishnegradsky Tibwett, who helped Vishnegradsky gain the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer, and advised him in his struggle with the Minister of Transport, acting as a think tank. But the two of them were good-natured on the surface, but in fact the undercurrent moved and the appearance fell apart. When he took office in Petersburg, Witt began to look for new asylum, and used Vishnegradsky's health to make it public, disgracing the czar, and eventually gaining the position of chancellor with wisdom and health. Vishnegradsky, though intent on counterattack, had no choice but to rely on Vitte because of its wide disparity of strength.
【作者单位】: 俄罗斯科学院经济研究所;吉林大学东北亚研究院;
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