[Abstract]:After World War I, Kalecki believed that with the advent of regionalization, the British Empire was transformed into an independent regional community parallel to continental Europe. Proceeding from the historical experience of the unification of "Little Germany", Kalecki realized that Britain would certainly not voluntarily abandon the Imperial Community and join the "European" family. On the contrary, It is ready to sacrifice the interests of Europe for the sake of the British Empire. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude Britain and unswervingly follow the path of "small Europe". In the early 1930s, the birth of the British Empire Trade area and Britain's refusal to participate in the "European" project were both direct. It fully shows that Kalecki's judgment on the integration of the British Empire is correct and objective, and that his idea of excluding Britain is sensible and practical. The study of Carledge's views on Britain has important implications for us to understand the relationship between Britain and European integration.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史学系;
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