发布时间:2018-08-03 18:44
【摘要】:提及二战,会有方方面面的回忆和思考,而具体到军事领域,更会给我们留下数不清的话题。在这篇论文中作为讨论主题的苏联红军空降兵部队,就是其中不可或缺的一员。尽管没有英美德等国的空降部队那般大名鼎鼎,但是于1930年8月2日首先诞生于世的苏军空降兵却在世界军事历史的进程上占据了重要位置,而且正是经历过卫国战争的洗礼这支部队才逐渐得到发展壮大。而在本论文中我们讨论和关注的重点将是苏军空降兵在卫国战争之前的发展轨迹和其在二战中的表现以及影响。 全文共分为三章: 第一章主要介绍了苏联红军空降兵部队在卫国战争之前发展轨迹。在这一章中我们以时间为线索,详细介绍苏军空降兵的建设和发展,以及其在这个过程中所取得的成就和所遭受的挫折,以便为进一步的比较分析奠定一个基础; 第二章则以相对简洁的语言介绍了同时期其他大国空降兵建设的概况,为各国同行的对比提供必须的样本。同时在此基础上进行比较,对各国的优劣有一个广泛的认识; 第三章则是本论文的重点,首先是对苏军空降兵在卫国战争中的两次大规模战役“维亚兹马空降战役”和“第聂伯河大空降”进行必要的回顾。然后在二战的大背景下结合卫国战争中苏德双方的战争进程来对其进行分析以便得出苏军这支全新的部队在卫国战争中的表现以及对战局的影响。分析不仅从有利于战争进程的方面进行,同时也着手于挖掘空降部队在战争中所暴露出来的缺点与不足,甚至也放大到整个二战,与英美等国的空降作战进行类比。最后在这样全面的比较分析之后,较为客观地认识到了苏军空降部队在卫国战争中所起到的作用以及还需要努力改进的地方。
[Abstract]:When it comes to World War II, there will be all kinds of memories and thoughts, and when it comes to military affairs, it will leave us with countless topics. The Airborne Army of the Red Army was an indispensable member of this paper. Although not as famous as the airborne troops of Britain, America and Germany, the Soviet army, which was first born on August 2, 1930, occupied an important place in the course of the world's military history. And it was after the baptism of the Patriotic War that the army grew stronger and stronger. In this paper, we will focus on the development of the Soviet airborne troops before the Patriotic War and their performance and influence in World War II. The thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter introduces the development of the airborne troops of the Red Army before the Patriotic War. In this chapter, we take time as a clue to introduce in detail the construction and development of the Soviet airborne troops, as well as their achievements and setbacks in this process, so as to lay a foundation for further comparative analysis. The second chapter introduces the general situation of the construction of airborne troops in other great powers in the same period in a relatively concise language, and provides necessary samples for the comparison of counterparts in various countries. At the same time, on the basis of this comparison, there is a broad understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each country. The third chapter is the focus of this paper. First of all, the two large-scale campaigns of Soviet airborne troops in the Patriotic War, the Battle of Viazma and the Great Airborne of Dnieper, were reviewed. Then under the background of World War II, combined with the war process of the Soviet Union and Germany during the Patriotic War, the author analyzed it in order to find out the performance of the new Soviet army in the Patriotic War and its influence on the war situation. The analysis is carried out not only from the aspects beneficial to the war process, but also to dig out the shortcomings and shortcomings of airborne troops exposed in the war, and even amplify the whole World War II to make analogies with the airborne operations of Britain and the United States and other countries. Finally, after such a comprehensive comparative analysis, a more objective understanding of the role played by the Soviet airborne troops in the Patriotic War, as well as the areas that need to be improved.
[Abstract]:When it comes to World War II, there will be all kinds of memories and thoughts, and when it comes to military affairs, it will leave us with countless topics. The Airborne Army of the Red Army was an indispensable member of this paper. Although not as famous as the airborne troops of Britain, America and Germany, the Soviet army, which was first born on August 2, 1930, occupied an important place in the course of the world's military history. And it was after the baptism of the Patriotic War that the army grew stronger and stronger. In this paper, we will focus on the development of the Soviet airborne troops before the Patriotic War and their performance and influence in World War II. The thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter introduces the development of the airborne troops of the Red Army before the Patriotic War. In this chapter, we take time as a clue to introduce in detail the construction and development of the Soviet airborne troops, as well as their achievements and setbacks in this process, so as to lay a foundation for further comparative analysis. The second chapter introduces the general situation of the construction of airborne troops in other great powers in the same period in a relatively concise language, and provides necessary samples for the comparison of counterparts in various countries. At the same time, on the basis of this comparison, there is a broad understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each country. The third chapter is the focus of this paper. First of all, the two large-scale campaigns of Soviet airborne troops in the Patriotic War, the Battle of Viazma and the Great Airborne of Dnieper, were reviewed. Then under the background of World War II, combined with the war process of the Soviet Union and Germany during the Patriotic War, the author analyzed it in order to find out the performance of the new Soviet army in the Patriotic War and its influence on the war situation. The analysis is carried out not only from the aspects beneficial to the war process, but also to dig out the shortcomings and shortcomings of airborne troops exposed in the war, and even amplify the whole World War II to make analogies with the airborne operations of Britain and the United States and other countries. Finally, after such a comprehensive comparative analysis, a more objective understanding of the role played by the Soviet airborne troops in the Patriotic War, as well as the areas that need to be improved.
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