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发布时间:2018-08-06 18:05
【摘要】: 本文分三个时期,即十月革命胜利初期、国内战争时期和新经济政策时期,研究和阐述了列宁关于经济政策和社会政策的科学价值观,以及列宁科学价值观的特点。 十月革命胜利初期,俄共(布)顺应广大农民的要求,放弃关于土地国有化、建设大规模国有农场的主张,实施了“土地社会化”的措施,即夺取地主的土地、将其平均分配给农民,由农民一家一户耕种。这说明,俄共(布)放弃了社会主义的土地纲领,实施了小资产阶级政党——社会革命党的土地纲领。对这一事物,列宁的科学价值观是:党和苏维埃政权不能违背大多数农民意志,违背大多数农民的意志就是背叛革命;无产阶级及其执政党可以而且不怕实行小资产阶级土地纲领,因为这样做归根到底有利于社会主义因素的增长和社会主义的发展。1918年春,俄共(布)和苏维埃政权决定转变工作重心,即把工作中心从夺取政权转移到经济建设上来。对此列宁的科学价值观是:无产阶级必须完成“最重要和最困难”任务,必须以“重炮兵”行动取代“轻骑兵”的行动。这一时期,苏俄实施了国家资本主义的措施。列宁就此提出了科学价值观:“国家资本主义是我们的救星”,实施国家资本主义有利于“创造高于资本主义社会的劳动生产率”,可以而且应该对文明的资本家“实行特殊赎买”。 国内战争时期,列宁就“余粮收集制”和利用“旧社会的文化遗产”的政策提出了科学价值观。新经济政策时期,,列宁围绕着资本主义因素的增长、工农关系的改善、党和国家机关的改革、党的团结和统一等几个方面,分别阐述了科学的价值观。 列宁科学价值观的特点是:以满足人民的利益要求作为价值评判的出发点,以有利于发展经济作为价值评判的尺度和标准,以社会进步和政治进步作为价值评判的引导方向。
[Abstract]:This article is divided into three periods, namely, the early stage of the victory of the October Revolution, the period of civil war and the period of new economic policy. It studies and expounds Lenin's scientific values on economic policy and social policy, as well as the characteristics of Lenin's scientific values. At the beginning of the victory of the October Revolution, the Russian Communist Party (Brazzaville) complied with the demands of the broad masses of peasants, gave up the idea of nationalizing land and building large scale state-owned farms, and implemented the measures of "socializing the land", that is, seizing the land of the landlords. It was distributed equally among farmers, who farmed their families. This shows that the Russian Communist Party abandoned the socialist land program and implemented the land program of the Peasy-bourgeois Party-Social Revolutionary Party. To this matter, Lenin's scientific values are: the Party and the Soviet regime can not be against the will of the majority of peasants, against the will of the majority of peasants is a betrayal of the revolution; The proletariat and its ruling party can and are not afraid to implement the petty-bourgeois land programme, because it is in the final analysis conducive to the growth of socialist factors and the development of socialism. The Russian Communist Party and the Soviet regime decided to change the focus of their work, that is, to shift the work center from seizing power to economic construction. Lenin's scientific values are that the proletariat must accomplish the most important and difficult task and replace the action of "heavy artillery" with "light cavalry". During this period, Russia implemented the measures of state capitalism. In this regard, Lenin put forward scientific values: "State capitalism is our savior" and the implementation of state capitalism is conducive to "creating labor productivity higher than capitalist society". Civilized capitalists can and should be given special redemption. During the civil war, Lenin put forward scientific values on the policy of "collecting surplus grain" and making use of "the cultural heritage of the old society". In the new economic policy period, Lenin elaborated the scientific values on the basis of the growth of capitalist factors, the improvement of the relationship between workers and peasants, the reform of the Party and state organs, and the unity and unity of the Party. The characteristics of Lenin's scientific values are: to meet the interests of the people as the starting point of value evaluation, to be conducive to the development of the economy as the yardstick and standard of value evaluation, to social progress and political progress as the guiding direction of value evaluation.


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