[Abstract]:During World War II, the Soviet Union captured a large number of foreign prisoners of war, and the Soviet government paid more attention to the treatment of prisoners of war, and took a series of measures to improve the treatment of prisoners of war. With the improvement of the economic situation in the Soviet Union and the repatriation of wounded and sick prisoners of war one after another, Prisoners of war conditions are also improving year by year, food supply standards continue to improve, morbidity and mortality rates continue to decline. However, the domestic economic situation of the Soviet Union, which was devastated by the war, and the policy of delaying the repatriation of healthy prisoners of war to the country by making maximum use of prisoner of war labour seriously affected the level of treatment of prisoners of war, resulting in a period prior to 1947, The food supply standard of prisoners of war has been on the low side, the living conditions are relatively crowded, the labor intensity is on the high side, the medical personnel and medical supplies are insufficient, the morbidity and mortality rate is on the high side, and the labor ability is poor. Some of the fundamental rights granted to prisoners of war under international law are also not guaranteed.
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