[Abstract]:Since modern times, the Philippines has been under foreign oppression and slavery. After the US occupation of the Philippines, repeated policies, especially on the issue of Philippine independence, never wanted to give a positive answer. After Wilson came to power, he made it clear that he wanted to realize the independence of the Filipino people, which gave the nation a hope. This paper will systematically explain Wilson's policy towards the Philippines and analyze the essence of Wilson's idealistic foreign policy. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part mainly expounds that the United States is in urgent need of overseas market after the transition to monopoly capitalism, so under the guidance of "sea power theory" and other expansion thoughts, The United States launched a war against Spain, seized the Philippines and other places as its own colony, and colonized these places. At that time, the administration of the United States was controlled by the Republican Party, and the main measure of the administration of the Philippines was to "beautify", that is, to turn the Philippines into a political, economic and military vassal of the United States, and to take direct control of the Philippines. The second part mainly expounds a series of reforms in the Philippines after Wilson appointed Harrison as Governor. The two major reforms were the Philippine government and the passage of the Jones Act. "Filipinization" is the use of more Filipinos in government to develop the capacity of Filipino autonomy to achieve "governing the Philippines by Filipinos." as a new organic law, the "Jones Act" sets out new organizational rules for the Philippine government. The preamble also makes it clear that when the Philippines can form a stable government, the United States declares the Philippines independent. These two measures have played a very important role in stabilizing American rule over the Philippines and easing the contradiction between the Philippines and the United States. In addition, the Wilson administration, through a series of economic reforms, has made the Philippines a market appendage to the United States, and it has moved the Philippines further and further away from true complete independence. In the third part, the United States government after Wilson was full of repeated policies towards the Philippines because of the partisan differences between Republicans and Democrats. Despite the fact that the United States had to fulfill its promise to grant independence to the Philippines, the United States still controls the Philippines in all its aspects. The most important reason is that America's influence is deep into the Philippines. Although Wilson pursued the policy of "Filipinization", it actually passed American ideas to the Filipinos, that is, essentially "Americanization". This is the essence of Wilson's policy towards the Philippines.
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