[Abstract]:Medina craftsman's village is a relatively complete remains of ancient Egypt, a mausoleum for the royal family to build a mausoleum craftsman's settlement. Therefore, it is an important breakthrough in the study of social life and economic activities in ancient Egypt. Based on the collected documents and archaeological data, this paper makes a systematic study on the economic activities of the craftsmen's village in Medina. According to existing data, the state supplies are the basic material security for the people of Medina craftsman village. But it doesn't satisfy everyone's needs. As a result, there are frequent and active economic activities within the village and between the village and outside the village. Although there was no currency at the time, people traded, leased, borrowed and so on in exchange for barter, or in exchange for quantitative grain and fixed metals as general equivalents. Economic activity also includes the transfer and inheritance of property. At the same time, frequent economic activities must be accompanied by a variety of economic disputes. At this point, the residents of the Medina Trades and Crafts Village settled disputes by mediation or court trial. Based on this, This paper will discuss in six aspects: (1) the general situation of the artisans village in Medina, (2) the form of exchange of goods and the emergence of middlemen, (3) the activity of buying and selling, (4) the activity of borrowing and leasing, (5) the inheritance and transfer of property and the economic activities of women, (6) the economic activities of women. To deal with disputes, etc. Through the study of the above aspects, it is concluded that although the economic activities of the craftsmen village in Medina cannot fully represent the whole of ancient Egypt, the economic life of the craftsmen's village has been analyzed. It is helpful for us to reconstruct the economic life of the new kingdom of ancient Egypt. It can even give us a clearer understanding of the economic characteristics and functioning of the entire ancient Egypt.
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