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发布时间:2018-08-18 17:46
[Abstract]:At the end of the 19 th century, the western American agricultural tenancy system developed greatly. As the crisis approached, the farmers who mortgaged the land were unable to repay their loans, many of the mortgage farms went bankrupt, and the ownership of the farms was transferred to tenancy farms; at the same time, many large farms also collapsed because they could not operate. As a result, it was divided into a large number of small farms tenancy out, also converted to tenancy farms. The rate of land tenancy in the western United States has thus increased significantly. The mortgage farm is controlled by the mortgage capital group, that is, the monopoly financial group, while the large farm is directly subordinate to the financial group, which disintegrates not because of the bankruptcy of the financial group, but when the financial group is unable to operate on the large farm. In order to guarantee the profit from the land, change the way of profit. So the great development of the tenancy system in the west is mainly the result of the monopolistic financial group. However, as a commodity economy of agriculture, the purchase of means of production and the sale of products have to go through the market, so farmers have to accept the common exploitation of monopoly groups such as railways, agricultural materials and so on. All this led to difficulties in farm management and the popularity of tenancy systems. Therefore, the great development of tenancy system is the result of the common action of monopolistic forces based on finance. Under the control of financial capital, the "American way" is the forming process of tenancy system and large farm system, the core of which is the control of financial capital. Agriculture has contributed a great deal to the industrial development of the United States and the transition of American capitalism to monopoly, but the farmers' group has not received a corresponding return, but has endured the pain of exploitation by various monopoly groups. Great sacrifices were made. Therefore, the American road does not represent the happy life of farmers, compared with the Prussian road, the farmers in the "American road" does not suffer much less.


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