发布时间:2018-08-19 11:20
【摘要】:琉球群岛位于中国大陆以东,自东北向西南蜿蜒横列在日本九州岛与中国台湾岛之间,是太平洋西部的一系列岛屿群。12世纪的时候,琉球群岛上出现了“中山”、“山南”、“山北”三个小国家,史上称为“三山时代”。从明洪武五年(1372年)开始,琉球三国相继接受了明朝的册封,成为中国的藩属国。公元1429年,中山国王统一琉球群岛,建立了琉球王国,琉球王国依旧作为藩属,向中国朝贡。 琉球立国近200年后,怀有扩张野心的日本开始逐步蚕食其领土。公元1609年,日本萨摩藩出兵武装侵略琉球,囚禁琉球王于鹿儿岛,强迫琉球向日本进贡,并吞并琉球北部岛屿。从此,琉球一方面被迫向日本称臣纳贡,另一方面仍然维持与中国的藩属关系,历史称这段时间为“两属时期”。19世纪后期,明治维新后实力迅速增强的日本,开始不满足于琉球的两属状态,而决心独霸琉球。1879年,日本无视琉球宗主国中国的反对,宣布在琉球“废藩置县”,将其强行纳入自己的版图,日本称这一事件叫“琉球处分”。但是,中国的清政府始终没有认可日本对琉球的占领。 二战末期,日美双方在琉球进行了激烈的争夺战,史称“冲绳战役”。在冲绳战役过程中,穷凶极恶的日本军队对琉球人民进行了残酷的以“玉碎”为名义的种族灭绝。此役以美国的胜利告终,琉球暂时摆脱了日本的控制。从二战末直到20世纪70年代,琉球都处在美国的实际控制之下。可是,1972年美国政府竟不顾当时中国台湾当局的反对,将琉球的“行政权”交给日本,使得琉球再次被日本据为己有。 关于琉球问题,我国的学者多从中日关系、中琉关系入手进行研究。在研究日本吞并琉球的问题上,重点在于单方面探讨中国历届政府处理“琉球问题”时的应对措施和失误,也有人会谈到“琉球问题”对中日两国关系和东亚政治局势的影响。但很少有人研究琉球人民在面对日本侵略时的斗争历程,以及在这个过程中所付出的巨大代价和表现出来的不屈不挠的民族精神。当然,由于琉球的弱小,其对日本侵略的反抗效果是非常有限的,基本上对大局没什么决定性影响,但他们的斗争却能够反映琉球人民的思想倾向及意志。在重视民族独特历史文化和选择未来发展道路的今天,这种思想倾向及斗争历史就显得尤为重要。 琉球学者的相关历史研究较为丰富,但其内容和观点受到日本国内政治和社会环境的制约。同时,由于语言文字及国际关系因素的影响,琉球学者的研究状况长期以来我们了解不多。本文就试图还原琉球人民一百年来反抗日本吞并的斗争历史和要求自主、自治、独立的历史。弥补我国在研究“琉球问题”上的一些不足,引起人们对于琉球问题的进一步关注。另外,通过发掘过去被人们忽视的细节,还原历史事实揭露日本的侵略罪恶,也力图为我国有效处理东海问题提供历史依据和参考。 从琉球历史的发展来看,1609年“萨摩入侵”、1870年代的“琉球处分”、1940年代的战后“琉球处置”、1970年代的“冲绳返还”是琉球与日本关系的重要转折点,也是琉球历史发展的重要环节。在以上各个历史时期,琉球人民都进行了不屈不挠的斗争。一大批不愿做亡国奴的琉球人奋起反抗,采取各种措施争取民族的独立与解放。尽管这些正义的斗争遭到了日本残酷的镇压,但他们的事迹依然令后来者肃然起敬。从长远看,琉球依然作为一个问题区域存在,并使其未来的走向具有不确定性。 本文采用史料分析方法、文献解读法等研究方法,在充分查阅资料,明晰历史事实的基础上,以100年来围绕琉球归属所引发的一系列事件为中心,从一个中国人的视角出发,还原琉球人民反抗日本吞并的斗争历史。
[Abstract]:The Ryukyu Islands, located to the east of the mainland of China, zigzag from northeast to southwest between Kyushu Island in Japan and Taiwan Island in China, are a series of islands in the western Pacific Ocean. In the 12th century, three small countries, Zhongshan, Shannan and Shanbei, appeared in the Ryukyu Islands. They were called the "Three Mountains Age" in history. In 1429, King Zhongshan unified the Ryukyu Islands and established the Ryukyu kingdom. The Ryukyu Kingdom still served as a tribute to China.
Nearly 200 years after the founding of Ryukyu, Japan, with an expansionary ambition, began to nibble away its territory. In 1609, Samoa sent troops to invade Ryukyu, imprisoned Ryukyu King on Kagoshima, forced Ryukyu to pay tribute to Japan, and annexed the northern islands of Ryukyu. From then on, Ryukyu was forced to pay tribute to Japan, on the one hand, but on the other hand, it still maintained its status with China. In the late 19th century, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan, which had rapidly strengthened its power, began to be dissatisfied with Ryukyu's bi-national status and decided to dominate Ryukyu. In 1879, Japan ignored the opposition of the Ryukyu patriarch China and declared that it had "abolished the county" in Ryukyu and forced it into its own edition. Tu, Japan calls the incident "Ryukyu punishment." However, the Qing government of China has never recognized Japan's occupation of Ryukyu.
At the end of World War II, Japan and the United States fought fiercely in Ryukyu, historically known as the "Okinawa Campaign." In the course of the Okinawa Campaign, the fierce Japanese army cruelly exterminated the people of Ryukyu in the name of "jade fragmentation." The battle ended with the victory of the United States, and Ryukyu was temporarily free from Japanese control. From the end of World War II until the end of February 2. In the 1970s, Ryukyu was under the actual control of the United States. However, in 1972, despite the opposition of the then Taiwan authorities in China, the U.S. government handed over the "executive power" of Ryukyu to Japan, making it once again owned by Japan.
On the issue of Ryukyu, Chinese scholars mostly start with Sino-Japanese relations and Sino-Ryukyu relations. On the issue of Japan's annexation of Ryukyu, the emphasis is on unilaterally discussing the countermeasures and mistakes of successive Chinese governments in dealing with the "Ryukyu issue", and some people have talked about the "Ryukyu issue" in Sino-Japanese relations and the political situation in East Asia. However, few people have studied the struggle of the Ryukyu people in the face of Japanese aggression, as well as the tremendous cost and the indomitable national spirit in the process. Of course, due to the weakness of Ryukyu, its resistance to Japanese aggression is very limited, basically no decisive effect on the overall situation. However, their struggle can reflect the ideological inclination and will of the people of Ryukyu, which is particularly important today when we attach great importance to the unique national history and culture and choose the way of future development.
The relevant historical studies of Ryukyu scholars are abundant, but their contents and viewpoints are restricted by the domestic political and social environment of Japan. At the same time, due to the influence of language and international relations, the research situation of Ryukyu scholars has not been well understood for a long time. This paper attempts to restore the struggle of the people of Ryukyu against Japanese annexation in the past 100 years. To make up for some deficiencies in the study of the "Ryukyu issue" in our country, people pay more attention to the Ryukyu issue. In addition, by exploring the details neglected by people in the past and restoring historical facts to expose the evil of Japanese aggression, we also try to provide effective treatment of the East China Sea issue for our country. Historical basis and reference.
Judging from the historical development of Ryukyu, the "invasion of Samoa" in 1609, the "disposal of Ryukyu" in 1870, the "disposal of Ryukyu" in 1940, and the "return of Okinawa" in 1970 are important turning points in the relationship between Ryukyu and Japan, and are also important links in the historical development of Ryukyu. Unyielding struggle. A large number of Ryukyu people who did not want to be slaves rose up and took various measures to strive for national independence and liberation. The trend is uncertain.
In this paper, the historical data analysis method and literature interpretation method are used to restore the history of the struggle of the people of Ryukyu against the annexation of Japan from the perspective of a Chinese people, based on full access to information and a clear understanding of historical facts.
[Abstract]:The Ryukyu Islands, located to the east of the mainland of China, zigzag from northeast to southwest between Kyushu Island in Japan and Taiwan Island in China, are a series of islands in the western Pacific Ocean. In the 12th century, three small countries, Zhongshan, Shannan and Shanbei, appeared in the Ryukyu Islands. They were called the "Three Mountains Age" in history. In 1429, King Zhongshan unified the Ryukyu Islands and established the Ryukyu kingdom. The Ryukyu Kingdom still served as a tribute to China.
Nearly 200 years after the founding of Ryukyu, Japan, with an expansionary ambition, began to nibble away its territory. In 1609, Samoa sent troops to invade Ryukyu, imprisoned Ryukyu King on Kagoshima, forced Ryukyu to pay tribute to Japan, and annexed the northern islands of Ryukyu. From then on, Ryukyu was forced to pay tribute to Japan, on the one hand, but on the other hand, it still maintained its status with China. In the late 19th century, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan, which had rapidly strengthened its power, began to be dissatisfied with Ryukyu's bi-national status and decided to dominate Ryukyu. In 1879, Japan ignored the opposition of the Ryukyu patriarch China and declared that it had "abolished the county" in Ryukyu and forced it into its own edition. Tu, Japan calls the incident "Ryukyu punishment." However, the Qing government of China has never recognized Japan's occupation of Ryukyu.
At the end of World War II, Japan and the United States fought fiercely in Ryukyu, historically known as the "Okinawa Campaign." In the course of the Okinawa Campaign, the fierce Japanese army cruelly exterminated the people of Ryukyu in the name of "jade fragmentation." The battle ended with the victory of the United States, and Ryukyu was temporarily free from Japanese control. From the end of World War II until the end of February 2. In the 1970s, Ryukyu was under the actual control of the United States. However, in 1972, despite the opposition of the then Taiwan authorities in China, the U.S. government handed over the "executive power" of Ryukyu to Japan, making it once again owned by Japan.
On the issue of Ryukyu, Chinese scholars mostly start with Sino-Japanese relations and Sino-Ryukyu relations. On the issue of Japan's annexation of Ryukyu, the emphasis is on unilaterally discussing the countermeasures and mistakes of successive Chinese governments in dealing with the "Ryukyu issue", and some people have talked about the "Ryukyu issue" in Sino-Japanese relations and the political situation in East Asia. However, few people have studied the struggle of the Ryukyu people in the face of Japanese aggression, as well as the tremendous cost and the indomitable national spirit in the process. Of course, due to the weakness of Ryukyu, its resistance to Japanese aggression is very limited, basically no decisive effect on the overall situation. However, their struggle can reflect the ideological inclination and will of the people of Ryukyu, which is particularly important today when we attach great importance to the unique national history and culture and choose the way of future development.
The relevant historical studies of Ryukyu scholars are abundant, but their contents and viewpoints are restricted by the domestic political and social environment of Japan. At the same time, due to the influence of language and international relations, the research situation of Ryukyu scholars has not been well understood for a long time. This paper attempts to restore the struggle of the people of Ryukyu against Japanese annexation in the past 100 years. To make up for some deficiencies in the study of the "Ryukyu issue" in our country, people pay more attention to the Ryukyu issue. In addition, by exploring the details neglected by people in the past and restoring historical facts to expose the evil of Japanese aggression, we also try to provide effective treatment of the East China Sea issue for our country. Historical basis and reference.
Judging from the historical development of Ryukyu, the "invasion of Samoa" in 1609, the "disposal of Ryukyu" in 1870, the "disposal of Ryukyu" in 1940, and the "return of Okinawa" in 1970 are important turning points in the relationship between Ryukyu and Japan, and are also important links in the historical development of Ryukyu. Unyielding struggle. A large number of Ryukyu people who did not want to be slaves rose up and took various measures to strive for national independence and liberation. The trend is uncertain.
In this paper, the historical data analysis method and literature interpretation method are used to restore the history of the struggle of the people of Ryukyu against the annexation of Japan from the perspective of a Chinese people, based on full access to information and a clear understanding of historical facts.
相关期刊论文 前3条
1 王海滨;;琉球名称的演变与冲绳问题的产生[J];日本学刊;2006年02期
2 史楠;1879:琉球的血色黄昏[J];世界知识;2005年15期
3 王海滨;;中国国民政府与琉球问题[J];中国边疆史地研究;2007年03期
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1 林希;“球案”与近代亚洲格局的演变[D];福建师范大学;2008年