[Abstract]:Mori was the first bureaucrat in modern Japan who put forward the method of state intervention to create the people. He believes that the way to create a nation is education, which focuses on cultivating "good subjects"; creating new traditions by using the emperor as a "sacred prop"; and cultivating brave and patient citizens through teacher education and military gymnastics. The conscious responsibility of the state is the source of his thought of creating the nation, the contradiction between the cultivation of the subjects and the creation of the nation exists in his thought of national education, in which the view of negative freedom and the view of positive freedom coexist, and his thought becomes a policy. It has strong social practicality and influence. Its negative influence lies in: the rejection of other (non-national) gradually evolves into wanton aggression against other countries, and objectively spreads the thought of "killing people into benevolence" and "dying for the country". It laid a popular foundation for the implementation of imperial nationalism.
【作者单位】: 西南交通大学政治学院;
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