[Abstract]:Byzantine Empire is located in the eastern Mediterranean region, the Balkans and small Asia strategic thrust, choke Mediterranean and Black Sea throat. Such a strategic position made the Byzantine Empire inevitably interact with the surrounding world or in peace or violence. The direct consequence of this kind of communication is that the frontier of Byzantium has been in a state of constant fluctuation in the history. As a product of history, frontier is a concept of development. Different historical times will produce different frontier concepts, and different frontier concepts will adapt to the actual needs of national development, showing different historical characteristics accordingly. In the history of Byzantium, the change of frontier often had a subtle influence on the idea of frontier. At the same time, the ruler's choice of frontier maintenance strategy is suitable for the actual needs of the empire at that time, also directly related to the survival of the empire. Therefore, as a historical phenomenon and historical product, Byzantine's frontier contains a lot of political and cultural connotations, behind which is the pursuit of various national interests. This paper takes the strategy of maintaining the eastern frontier of Byzantine Empire from the middle of the 9th century to the 11th century as the object of study, puts the research in the historical and geographical evolution of this historical period, and draws lessons from the methods and ideas of historical geography. This paper analyzes the comprehensive application of military strategy, population policy, foreign policy, cultural value export strategy and so on. This paper analyzes the strategy of the eastern frontier of the empire from various angles. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction, summarizes the literature and research situation at home and abroad, clarifies the research value and significance of this paper, and clarifies the meaning of the concept of "frontier" and "border" and "general strategy". To lay the most basic literature support and conceptual support for the following discussion. The second part is the main part of the paper, there are three chapters. Firstly, the paper introduces the natural environment and strategic geography of Byzantine Empire from the point of view of the relatively static geographical environment, laying a clear background for the later discussion. The third chapter shows the dynamic geography of the Byzantine Empire from the middle of the 9th century to the 11th century from the historical changes of the neighboring peoples and the Empire itself. The fourth chapter takes Byzantine Empire's military defense system as reference, and discusses the strategies adopted by the Empire to maintain the frontier areas on both sides of the border. Firstly, from the aspects of the imperial road system and the military fortifications in the frontier area, the military defense situation of the border area of Rome-Byzantium was straightened out. Then it clarifies the historical evolution of the military system in the Byzantine frontier area, probes into the military administration of the empire in the frontier area, and combs the imperial policy on the inner side of the military defense line. Secondly, the outer side of the military defense line in the political diplomacy, cultural values and other levels of comprehensive investigation of the border region policy. And from the Byzantine Empire's subsidiary state system, as well as the empire's strategy in this historical period to carry on the preliminary analysis. The last part is the conclusion. The historical connotation of Byzantine frontier is deeply analyzed, and the multi-level attributes of culture, military and political economy of Byzantine frontier are analyzed. This paper discusses the core interests and national concept of Byzantium Empire through the composition of frontier areas reflected in Byzantine frontier maintenance strategy.
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