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发布时间:2018-08-29 20:10
【摘要】: 上世纪六七十年代妇女史兴起之时,正逢新社会史在美国空前发展。新社会史强调研究普通人的生活经历,尤其强调从普通民众的角度出发,研究他们的历史。新社会史的介入对妇女史的研究方向产生了重大影响,妇女史的研究对象开始由上层妇女转向下层妇女,研究范围也由妇女参政运动史扩展到妇女的日常生活、婚姻家庭和思想意识等更为广阔的领域。本文从历史学、妇女学、社会学的视角,试图通过对北美殖民地时期白人妇女的生活状况考察,对殖民地时期白人妇女的地位提出自己的见解并作简要分析。本文内容分为五个部分: 第一部分为背景介绍。简要介绍殖民地时期白人妇女的来源以及关于白人妇女地位的两种争论。白人妇女有的是跟随家人移民新大陆;有的是被美妙的宣传所蛊惑,自愿前来寻求“美好的生活”;还有的是作为契约奴迁入。关于北美殖民地时期白人妇女的地位问题,在美国的史学界有两种观点——“黄金时代”论和“神话”论。 第二部分为女孩的生活考察。女孩对父母的顺从与谦恭是殖民地时期所特有的现象;许多孤儿女孩沦为契约奴,在主人的呵斥和无休止的劳作中艰难存活;让女孩接受教育的目的是培养更多虔诚的教徒和更合格的贤妻良母。 第三部分为成年妇女的生活考察。婚姻的缔结是以生存需求为基础的,丈夫是一家之主,妻子是丈夫的附庸,失去了独立的人格和众多的权利;生育在当时是一种痛苦而可怕的经历;独身妇女受到世人的嘲笑,但在法律上却享有除了投票权以外的、几乎与成年男子同等的权利;妇女主要的生活范围仍然囿于家庭之中,但是许多女性已开始涉足于众多男人所从事的行业中;妇女在宗教上同样处于从属男人的地位,但是涌现了一批为争取宗教平等地位而斗争的先驱者;许多妇女不满于政治上的无权地位,积极行动起来,参与公共事务,并且用自己的聪明才智博得了声誉和赞扬。 第四部分为老年妇女的生活与丧葬习俗的考察。老年妇女普遍受到世人的尊敬和爱戴,是殖民地时代的典型特征;宗教信仰的不同使得丧葬习俗也各有不同。 第五部分为结论。通过对不同年龄段的妇女生活状况的考察,本文的结论为:白人妇女的地位比同时代的欧洲妇女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但是与男人的地位却相差甚远。造成白人妇女地位低于男子地位的原因主要有歧视妇女的旧传统、私有制的社会经济及妇女教育的落后。造成白人妇女地位高于同时代的欧洲妇女地位的因素主要有殖民地的客观条件、殖民地时期的法律以及殖民地时期人们普遍存在的追求自由、平等的精神。
[Abstract]:The rise of women's history in the 1960s and 1970s coincided with the unprecedented development of new social history in the United States. New social history emphasized the study of the life experiences of ordinary people, especially their history from the perspective of ordinary people. From the perspective of history, feminism and sociology, this paper attempts to investigate the living conditions of white women in the colonial period of North America and to explore the white women in the colonial period. The position of human women is put forward and analyzed briefly. The content of this article is divided into five parts.
The first part gives a brief introduction to the origins of white women in the colonial period and the two debates about the status of white women. There are two opinions on the status of white women in the period of the Republic of China in American historians - "Golden Age" and "Myth".
The second part is a survey of girls'lives.Girls' obedience and humility to their parents were unique phenomena in the colonial period.Many orphans and girls became indentured slaves and struggled to survive under the scolding of their masters and endless labor.The purpose of educating girls was to train more devout believers and qualified wives and mothers.
The third part is the investigation of the life of adult women.Marriage is based on the need for survival.The husband is the head of the family and the wife is the husband's vassal.She lost her independent personality and numerous rights.Birth was a painful and terrible experience at the time.Single women were ridiculed by the world,but legally enjoyed the right to vote in addition to voting. Women's main sphere of life is still confined to the family, but many women have begun to dabble in the professions in which many men are engaged; women are also subordinate to men in religion, but a number of pioneers have emerged to fight for religious equality; Many women, dissatisfied with their political powerlessness, took an active part in public affairs and earned fame and praise for their intelligence.
The fourth part is the investigation of the life and funeral customs of the elderly women, who are generally respected and loved by the world and are typical features of the colonial era.
The fifth part is the conclusion. By investigating the living conditions of women of different ages, the conclusion is that the status of white women is much higher than that of contemporary European women, but it is far from that of men. Tradition, social economy of private ownership and backwardness of women's education. The main factors that caused the status of white women to be higher than that of contemporary European women were colonial objective conditions, colonial laws and the spirit of freedom and equality prevailing in colonial times.


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