[Abstract]:The financial crisis at the end of the 20th century had an important impact on Indonesia. Suharto regime collapsed in the crisis and Indonesia began a new process of political democratization. This process is also a process of highlighting and intensifying various social problems and contradictions in Indonesia. The rise of Islamic radicalism in the post-Suharto era is one of the important manifestations of various contradictions in Indonesian society. The rise of Islamic radicalism in the post-Suharto era mainly manifested in two forms: political Islam and Islamic radicalism with terrorist tendency. Although the two forms of Islamic radicalism are not the same, they have the same goal in pursuing the Islamization of Indonesian society. This paper first discusses the historical origin of Islamic radicalism in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Looking back on the history of Indonesia before the founding of the people's Republic of Korea, Islam has shown a strong tendency to politicize in some regions. Here this paper mainly talks about the historical events of Islamic radicalism in Indonesia from the point of view of the Patri Movement and the Aceh War during the Dutch and Indian period. It further discusses the political Islamic forces and the Islamic State Movement before and after the founding of the people's Republic of China, and then reviews the development and survival of the Islamic forces in Indonesia during the Suharto period. Then it discusses the causes of the rise of Islamic radicalism in the post-Suharto era from three aspects: the internal Islam, the political and social contradictions in Indonesia, the international Islamic renaissance movement and the international anti-terrorism background. The third part mainly discusses the influence of the rise of Islamic radicalism in post-Suharto era on Indonesian political development, social culture and regional security in Southeast Asia. Finally, this paper attempts to make a simple predictive analysis of the tendency of Islamization in Indonesia.
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