[Abstract]:Renaissance Socialism is an organic part of Middle East nationalism and the leading ideology of the Arab Baath Party, but the research on it is still very weak at home and abroad. Therefore, this paper intends to take the theory and practice of renaissance socialism as the combination point, focusing on Iraq and Syria as the case, to show the development track and characteristics of the theory and practice of renaissance socialism. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly explains the purpose and significance of the topic, introduces the domestic and foreign research status of the topic, and summarizes the writing method and innovation of the topic. The text is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, the thesis narrates the theoretical origin and early development of reviving socialism, and summarizes and combs the early theoretical characteristics of reviving socialism. This chapter argues that the emergence of reviving socialism is the product and consequence of the interaction between Western civilization and traditional Islamic civilization. The revival of socialism is one of the various factions in which western socialist ideas have taken root and sprouted in the Islamic hot land of the Arab region. In fact, it is a new trend of thought formed by the combination of Arab tradition and western socialist thought. In the second chapter, the pan-Arab theory of the Baath Party is analyzed from the four joint practices of the Baath Party (namely, the United Arab Republic, the Tripartite talks and the two Syrian-Iraqi Union). It is pointed out that from the Arab League to the Tripartite Conference on the two Syrian-Iraqi cooperation, the influence of pan-Arabism in the Arab world has been gradually distanced, and the concept of state sovereignty has been deeply rooted in the Arab world. By the end of the 1970 s, state-dominated nationalism had replaced pan-Arab nationalism directed at union. The emergence of joint plans is nothing more than a tool for rulers to shift domestic crises, fight for power and control other countries. In the third and fourth chapters, the paper takes the political, economic and ideological practice of Iraq before 1990 as an example to analyze the practice mode of reviving socialism in Iraq. At the political level, the early Baath Party politics is unstable, its ruling foundation is very weak. The Baath Party of Iraq gained power through revolution, violence and military power. By the mid-1970s, the Baath Party was firmly in control of Iraq, with the Tikrit family and factions at the top of its political structure. After the Iran-Iraq war, there were only two ways for the Baath Party to tide over the crisis, either to recover and build the economy cautiously, or to expand aggressively abroad. The ambitious Saddam chose the latter, pointing the spear of war to Kuwait to the south. On the economic level, the content of socialism in the Baath Party's political proposition is not specific, it is not so much a social and economic principle as a vague way of national economic development. The Baath Party of Iraq has three main ideological features: first, the formerly fanatical pan-Arabism gave way to nationalism. The emphasis on Arab unity gradually gave way to highlighting Iraq's leadership in the Arab world. Second, Iraq is made up of people of different races and nationalities.
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