[Abstract]:For a long time, the study of Russian history has focused on the fields of politics, economy and culture, but the Russian military history, especially the Russian recruitment system, has been almost ignored. Based on this, this paper attempts to explore the development of the Russian recruitment system, clarify the background of the Russian recruitment system reform, analyze the survival and development of the Russian army under the recruitment system, and finally evaluate the role and impact of the Russian recruitment system. The basic point of this paper is that recruitment plays a very important role in Russian military history. The enlistment system originated in the Peter I period in the 17th century and ended in the reform of compulsory military service in Miliujing in 1874. After more than 170 years, it had a great influence on the politics, military affairs and diplomacy of modern Russia. Although the recruitment system also had problems of desertion, inadequate training of soldiers, excessive casualties of soldiers on the battlefield, and so on, it contributed to the transformation of the Russian army from a semi-regular to a regular army. It established a strong regular army and navy for Russia, consolidated the rule of Romanov dynasty internally, strengthened Wang Quan of the tsar, expanded Russia's territory and strengthened Russia's international influence. Put Russia among the great powers of Europe. It can be said that without the introduction of the recruitment system, there would not have been the military might of this period, nor the splendor of the Russian history of this period. This paper begins with the concept of "recruitment", combs the whole process of Russian recruitment system from its emergence, development to extinction, and analyzes emphatically the implementation process of the recruitment system and the survival and development of the Russian army under the recruitment system. Finally, the Russian recruitment system is objectively evaluated. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, the origin of Russian recruitment system. First, the concept of "recruitment" is analyzed, and then the evolution of Russian military service system before the emergence of recruitment system is briefly reviewed. The second part, the development of Russian recruitment system. This paper mainly expounds the whole development course of Russian recruitment system from its emergence, development, prosperity to extinction. The third part, the implementation of the recruitment system. This part systematically describes a series of policies and work flow in the implementation of the recruitment system, mainly including four aspects, namely, recruitment leadership, recruitment policy, the selection of recruits, and the escort of recruits. The fourth part, the Russian army under the recruitment system. This part mainly expounds the survival and development of the Russian army under the recruitment system, and summarizes it. The summary points out: although the survival and development of the Russian army under the recruitment system is very poor, the recruitment system should be affirmed, because it promotes the modernization of the Russian military. The fifth part is about the influence of recruitment system on Russia. Based on the analysis of the positive and negative effects of the development of the recruitment system in Russia in the middle and late 19th century, the author puts forward his own basic viewpoints and discusses the historical position of the recruitment system. The innovation of this paper lies in: for the first time in China, it systematically discusses the whole process of Russian recruitment system from its emergence, development to extinction. The implementation process of the recruitment system and the survival and development of the Russian army under the recruitment system as well as its influence on Russia are discussed in detail, thus highlighting the role and historical position of the Russian recruitment system.
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