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发布时间:2018-10-11 06:40
【摘要】:收藏是一种习惯,也是一种观念,它既是人类认识自己和客观世界的一种特殊手段,也是人类文化积累的一个重要方面。文化的发展为收藏活动的开展创造了前提,反之,收藏活动又促进了文化的积累,同时也受到意识和生产力发展水平的制约,二者互为因果。 近代早期是英国的收藏从传统走向现代的重要时期。从收藏者来看,国王、贵族首先引领收藏潮流,继而乡绅、商人等各阶层人士纷纷踊跃投身其中,收藏群体不断壮大,参与的目的也朝着多元化、明确化的方向发展;藏品方面,种类、数量持续保持增长态势,质量和价值稳步提高,交易和鉴定更加专业;就各个阶段的趋势和特征看,,和平稳定时期显然要比社会动荡时期更利于收藏的发展。 经过大约三百年时间的酝酿和积淀,收藏在英国逐渐走向成熟,并取得了丰硕的成果。到维多利亚时期,英国的收藏文化达到了鼎盛,成为“日不落”帝国强大实力的重要体现。如今,英国收藏的经验和模式已被世界多国学习效仿,作为英国人典型的生活方式之一,收藏也被更多的人所接纳。
[Abstract]:Collection is a habit as well as a concept. It is not only a special means for human beings to understand themselves and the objective world, but also an important aspect of human culture accumulation. The development of culture creates a prerequisite for the development of collecting activities. Conversely, it promotes the accumulation of culture and is also restricted by consciousness and the level of development of productive forces, both of which are causality. The early modern age was an important period when the collection of England changed from tradition to modernity. From the collector's point of view, the king and the aristocrat first led the collection trend, then the squire, the merchant and so on each social stratum personage one after another enthusiastically participated in it, the collection group grows unceasingly, the participation goal also moves towards the diversification, the clear direction development; In the aspect of collection, the variety and quantity keep increasing, the quality and value are improved steadily, and the trade and appraisal are more professional. In terms of the trends and characteristics of each stage, the peaceful and stable period is obviously more favorable to the development of the collection than the period of social unrest. After about 300 years of gestation and accumulation, collection in Britain gradually matured, and achieved fruitful results. By the Victorian period, the British collection culture reached its peak, and became an important embodiment of the great power of the empire. Today, the experience and model of British collection has been followed by many countries in the world. As one of the typical British lifestyles, the collection has also been accepted by more people.


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1 姜德福;国内学术界对15—18世纪西欧贵族的研究述评(1979—2001)[J];安徽史学;2003年03期

2 金彩云;;西方学者关于近代早期英国私人生活述评[J];长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版);2010年01期

3 冯承柏;论博物馆的起源[J];中国博物馆;1988年02期

4 张乔;;从贵族收藏到平民的观看[J];大家;2010年06期

5 阎照祥;英国近代贵族政治研究述评[J];河南大学学报(社会科学版);2003年04期

6 沈兰燕;华薇娜;;英国贵族体制对私人藏书的影响[J];新世纪图书馆;2010年04期

7 赵文媛;;十八世纪英国的贵族宅邸与贵族政治[J];理论界;2010年03期

8 姜德福;;英国贵族在近代早期文化生活中的地位[J];文化学刊;2008年01期

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1 王晓丹;16、17世纪欧洲社会收藏文化初探[D];华东师范大学;2004年

2 陆瑾;17世纪英国的史书阅读[D];武汉大学;2007年




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