[Abstract]:Around 1860, with the signing of the Treaty of Aihui and the Treaty of Beijing, Russia acquired a large area of new territory in the Amur and Wusuli River basins, and the Russian government began to discuss the plan of establishing a new governor's district in the far East. But it was not until 1884 that the Governor's District along the Amor River was finally created. More than 20 years of procrastination and discussion was not only due to the inefficiency of the bureaucracy. Moreover, the establishment of the Governor region involves the overall adjustment of the administrative divisions of the whole part of the territory of Russia, which will inevitably lead to the reconstruction of power in the region of Russia, and will lead to a lot of complicated and difficult problems and contradictions. Russia's expansion in the far East and Central Asia has created a long border line between China and Russia. Any reform of the territorial division of the Amur River region will be carried out against this background of comprehensive competition between China and Russia. The Russian government must take into account the reform of the territorial division of Central Asia and the far East. After more than 20 years of debate and integration, the Russian government finally decided to break with many old traditions and carry out a comprehensive reform of the administrative divisions throughout parts of Asia. As part of the reform, the Governor's region along the Amur River was created in 1884, and the power reconstruction of Russia's Asian region was completed.
【作者单位】: 日本北海道大学斯拉夫研究中心;
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