[Abstract]:After World War I, with the occurrence of the foreign coal crisis and the recession of the domestic economy, the British coal enterprises were in trouble. In order to improve the competitiveness of the coal market and reduce the operating costs, the coal capitalists tried to cut the wages of the miners. The policy of increasing working hours has aroused great dissatisfaction among the miners. When the conflict between miners and coal-mining capitalists intensified, it was followed by a general strike in 1926, which swept across Britain. Coal workers as the backbone of the strike, the strike to the climax. As an important part of the general strike, the strike in Durham has had an important impact on all aspects of the life of the miners in the mining area. By discussing the process of British general strike in 1926, the situation of strike in Durham mining area and the reasons for its failure, this paper mainly analyzes the influence of general strike on the life of Durham mining area, mainly from the two aspects of residents' life and social life. The full text consists of the following five parts. The first part mainly describes the background and course of the British general strike in 1926. This paper discusses the state of the British domestic economy before the strike, the crisis of the coal industry, the outbreak of the strike and its concrete process. The second part summarizes the strike in Durham mine and the reasons for its failure. Mainly from the strike process and its results, strike failure reasons and other aspects of the discussion. The third part discusses the impact of general strike on the life of Durham mining residents. This paper mainly discusses the living conditions of the residents of Durham mining area before the strike and the impact of the strike on the life of the miners and their families. The fourth part discusses the impact of general strike on the social life of Durham mining area. The political, economic and cultural aspects of Durham mining area are mainly discussed from the general strike. The fifth part is the conclusion. This paper summarizes the influence of the British general strike on the Durham mining area and analyzes the reasons why the miners in the Durham mining area failed in the strike in order to draw experience and lessons. Through the lessons of the strike of miners in Durham mining areas in England, the author hopes that it will be helpful to further improve the function construction of trade unions, labor relations and miner management in China's coal industry.
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