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发布时间:2018-10-13 17:25
[Abstract]:In the early 19th century, Egypt became "the only living part" of the Ottoman Empire after Mohamed Ali's westernization reform, facing the declining Ottoman sovereign state. Egypt is basically in a relatively independent state and has gradually embarked on the path of external expansion. At the same time, Mohamed Ali's western-style reforms have been accompanied by its expansion into other parts of the country, and Syria is a typical example. With the end of the first Turkish-Egyptian War and the signing of the Treaty of Quitahia, Egypt began its ten-year rule over Syria. During Egypt's rule of Syria, Egypt's rulers adopted a more open policy of rule and pushed Egypt's reforms to Syria. During this period, Syria established a centralized political system, the feudal separatist forces and the system of decentralization were destroyed; the state established a monopoly on trade in commodities, and the Syrian economy was initially developed. More importantly, Egypt's rulers opened their doors to new European ideas, the Syrian people's ideas were enlightened, and Western political culture and ideas began to infiltrate Syria. At the same time, however, Egypt's rulers imposed a compulsory conscription system in Syria, which aroused the antipathy of the local people, and the disarming of the people was strongly resisted by the people, which led to the continuous uprising of the Syrian people in the later period of Egyptian rule. Some of the rulers' progressive measures have also failed to be put into practice because of the turmoil. But it is undeniable that Egypt's ten-year rule in Syria ushered in a new era in Syrian history, that Syrian society began to move towards modernization, and that the Ottoman Empire began modernization reform. At the same time, Arab nationalism also gradually sprouted in Syria under the open policy and strong advocacy of Egypt's rulers. On the other hand, Egypt's invasion of Syria "intensified" the struggle of the European powers over the region, which to some extent affected the European political situation throughout the second half of the 19th century.


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