发布时间:2018-10-15 14:58
【摘要】:骠国是古代缅甸发展程度较高的早期文明国家。公元前2世纪,骠人在缅甸中部干燥区建立了骠国。骠国经济以人工灌溉农业经济为主,同时,还发展了手工业和商业贸易,建设了城市,建立了封建阶级社会的统治制度,创造了灿烂的文化。公元832年,南诏攻陷骠国都城室利差咀罗,掳掠3千骠人至拓东城,即今昆明,此后,骠国日趋衰落,骠国文明也逐渐消失于历史的长河中。本文力图深入全面的探讨骠国的经济、政治、文化以及社会,努力再现骠国文明的起源、发展和衰落消亡的历史全程。 本文主要由六部分组成。第一部分为绪论,包括论文的研究意义、国内外研究现状和研究方法以及基本概念;第二部分首先是对骠人起源问题的研究,探讨了骠人的族源、迁入缅甸的时间和路线的问题,其次,阐述了骠国的起止时间和概况;第三部分首先介绍骠国的农业水利灌溉系统和农业经济,其次介绍了骠国的手工业和矿业及商业贸易,并简单分析了骠国的经济水平;第四部分首先描述了骠国的3座中心城市,即毗湿奴、汗林、室利差咀罗的城市建设情况,其次,介绍了骠国的政治制度和社会概况,并探讨了其社会关系和社会性质;第五部分通过对其混杂的宗教信仰和文字、音乐舞蹈艺术、丧葬习俗、建筑艺术等方面的介绍,阐述了骠国辉煌灿烂的文化;第六部分是结语,主要是对全文进行总结。
[Abstract]:Pyu was an early civilized country with a high level of development in ancient Myanmar. In the second century BC, the Pyu people established the Pyu state in the dry region of central Myanmar. The economy of Pu Guo was dominated by the agricultural economy of artificial irrigation. At the same time, it also developed handicraft industry and commercial trade, built cities, established the ruling system of feudal class society, and created a splendid culture. In 832 AD, Nanzhao captured the capital city of Biu, Sri Lanka, and captured 3,000 people to the east city of Tuodong, which is now Kunming. Since then, the kingdom of Pu has gradually declined, and its civilization has gradually disappeared in the long river of history. This paper tries to probe into the economy, politics, culture and society of Pyu, and try to reproduce the whole history of the origin, development and decline of the civilization. This paper consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction, including the research significance of the paper, the current research situation, the research methods and the basic concepts at home and abroad. The second part is the research on the origin of the Pyu people, and discusses the origin of the people. The time and route of moving into Myanmar, secondly, the beginning and ending time and general situation of Pyu; the third part introduces the agricultural irrigation system and agricultural economy of Pyu, and then the handicraft and mining industry and commercial trade of Pyu. The fourth part describes the three central cities of the country, namely Vishnu, Khan Lin and Sri Lanka, and then introduces the political system and social situation of the country. The fifth part expounds the splendid culture of the country through the introduction of its mixed religious belief and writing, music and dance art, funeral custom, architectural art and so on. The sixth part is the conclusion, mainly carries on the summary to the full text.
[Abstract]:Pyu was an early civilized country with a high level of development in ancient Myanmar. In the second century BC, the Pyu people established the Pyu state in the dry region of central Myanmar. The economy of Pu Guo was dominated by the agricultural economy of artificial irrigation. At the same time, it also developed handicraft industry and commercial trade, built cities, established the ruling system of feudal class society, and created a splendid culture. In 832 AD, Nanzhao captured the capital city of Biu, Sri Lanka, and captured 3,000 people to the east city of Tuodong, which is now Kunming. Since then, the kingdom of Pu has gradually declined, and its civilization has gradually disappeared in the long river of history. This paper tries to probe into the economy, politics, culture and society of Pyu, and try to reproduce the whole history of the origin, development and decline of the civilization. This paper consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction, including the research significance of the paper, the current research situation, the research methods and the basic concepts at home and abroad. The second part is the research on the origin of the Pyu people, and discusses the origin of the people. The time and route of moving into Myanmar, secondly, the beginning and ending time and general situation of Pyu; the third part introduces the agricultural irrigation system and agricultural economy of Pyu, and then the handicraft and mining industry and commercial trade of Pyu. The fourth part describes the three central cities of the country, namely Vishnu, Khan Lin and Sri Lanka, and then introduces the political system and social situation of the country. The fifth part expounds the splendid culture of the country through the introduction of its mixed religious belief and writing, music and dance art, funeral custom, architectural art and so on. The sixth part is the conclusion, mainly carries on the summary to the full text.
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