[Abstract]:The autonomy of London City in the Middle Ages includes two levels: one is the right granted by the king and the other is the right obtained in practice. As the political center of England, the king's permanent residence, the City of London's de facto autonomy will be subject to Wang Quan's greater interference. This paper first introduces the contents of the charter of autonomy, the way for the city to obtain the charter, and reviews its influence on the autonomy of the medieval city of London. Secondly, the paper discusses the status of London City's tax autonomy from three aspects: the right of package tax, the right of negotiation and the right of independent taxation, and expounds the basic position of tax autonomy in the autonomy of London City. Thirdly, it explains the degree of municipal autonomy of London City from the composition of municipal organization, the formation of bureaucracy and the election of mayor, and Wang Quan interferes with the path of municipal autonomy. Fourth, introduce the content of London City judicial autonomy and analyze the outside obstruction in its gradual improvement. Due to the interference of powerful Wang Quan, the London City charter states that there is usually a slight gap between the rights to be enjoyed by the city and the actual power. The size of the gap depends on the power game between the City of London and Wang Quan. In the course of the development of autonomy in London City, the constant compromise and struggle between the city and Wang Quan formed a delicate balance: not only the autonomy of the city and the free and democratic consciousness of the citizens could be preserved and developed. And guaranteed Wang Quan's effectiveness throughout England.
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