[Abstract]:Founded in 1885, Tongji Hospital in Singapore has a history of 128 years. In the history of the development of Chinese society in Singapore, Tongji Hospital is not only a well-known social charity medical institution funded and managed by Chinese people, but also plays the role of leading center and activity center of cross-gang groups in Chinese society for a certain period of time. Singapore is an important part of the operation of the Chinese community organizations. Tongji Hospital has important research value in the history of Singaporean Chinese, the history of Singaporean Chinese charity, and even the history of modern famine donation in China. Tongji Hospital has experienced the historical process of "localization" of Singapore Chinese society before the founding of the people's Republic of China before the founding of the people's Republic of China and after the founding of the people's Republic of China. The articles of association of the hospital have been revised many times in accordance with the requirements of the times. The organization and management organization also carried on the reform in time, thus unceasingly promoted the Tongji hospital charity work development. Generally speaking, before the founding of Singapore in 1965, Tongji Hospital was a charitable medical institution that provided free medical treatment and medicine for poor Chinese patients. After the founding of Singapore in 1965, Tongji Hospital became a charitable director of Singapore and a non-racial division under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. Regardless of religion, the aim is to provide free medical care to all Singaporeans. Based on the analysis of a large number of historical materials collected from Chinese newspapers and periodicals in Singapore, the Tongji Hospital News, the Memorial Special issue and the annual report of the Director of Charity of the Government of Singapore, this paper analyzes the identity of the Chinese clique group since the colonial period. From the perspective of the change of overseas Chinese identity and Chinese identity, Tongji Hospital is divided into three historical development periods, from 1885 to 1930, 1930 to 1965 and 1965 to present. This paper analyzes and studies the role and charity operation of Tongji Hospital in the Chinese society of Singapore. In the first period of this paper, we discuss the establishment of Tongji Hospital, the initial group operation and the main activities of Tongji Hospital in this stage. The second period discusses the charity operation of Tongji Hospital. The third period analyzes the modernization of charity operation in the process of localization of Chinese society. Finally, combined with the development history of Tongji Hospital, the development of Chinese philanthropy in Singapore is summarized, from which we can draw lessons from it.
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