[Abstract]:In the 19th century, Britain and Russia successively completed the industrial revolution. In order to compete for the origin of raw materials, the market for commodities and the hegemony of the world, fierce conflicts and frictions took place in various parts of the world. At that time, Iran, located in West Asia, became one of the important areas in which the two countries competed. In order to gain access to the sea, seize warm water ports and then dominate the Indian Ocean, and seize world hegemony, Russia had to occupy the springboard of Iran. Britain, for its part, contradicts Russia's policy of defending India, the crown jewel of the empire, and maintaining its maritime supremacy. The two countries' rivalry in Iran is divided into three stages: alliance, struggle, and union. In the first stage, Russia seized most parts of the Caucasus through two Russian-Iraqi wars, and its influence was obviously superior to that of Britain. In the second stage, the British stepped up their invasion of Iran, and through the Herat incident, the Anglo-Iraqi war obviously strengthened its influence in Iran. In the third stage, the two countries used economic invasion as the main means to obtain a large number of Iran's economic privileges: the establishment of banks, oil exploration and so on. Later, because of Germany's relations, the two countries United again.
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