[Abstract]:The period from 1898 to 1921 was the time when Britain's invasion policy centered on the sovereignty of the sect was put forward, put into practice and basically established. In order to compete with Russia for Central Asia, Kou Song proposed that China only has sovereignty over Tibet, and sought the opportunity to wage an invasion war against Tibet, forcing the signing of the "Treaty of Lhasa," and "turning Tibet into a de facto protectorate." Later, Britain claimed that Tibet was "a country ruled by foreign monarchs" and conspired with Russia to deny Chinese sovereignty over Tibet on the basis of Chinese sovereignty. Subsequently, Britain stepped up its invasion of Tibet in an attempt to force China to agree to "autonomy" in Tibet and to ask Russia to agree to its "freedom of movement" in Tibet. In 1921, the British Government adopted Bell's proposal. On the one hand, it opposes the Chinese Government's resumption of the establishment of ministers and troops stationed in Tibet; on the other hand, it attempts to create "Greater Tibet" to split China, and the policy of invading Tibet under the guise of patriarchal sovereignty is basically determined with these two contents as the core.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学;
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