[Abstract]:The early relationship between the United States and the Chinese Communists was an important event in studying the causes of the confrontation between China and the United States in the 1950s. From the founding of the Communist Party of China to the Korean War, this paper mainly investigates the evolution of the attitude and policy of the Chinese Communist Party in this historical period. Even as communism spread in China, the State Department stepped up research on Chinese communism. However, due to the specific historical environment, the instability of the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the diversity of information sources of Chinese communism, the early American understanding of the CPC was extremely superficial and vague. With the rapid expansion of the Japanese invasion of China and Edgar Snow's strong propaganda to the Chinese Communists, the Chinese Communists gradually became an important force in the far East to help fight the Japanese army in the far East. After the Pearl Harbor incident, the common strategic interests provided a new historical platform for further cooperation between the two sides. However, out of orthodox principles, Roosevelt made it clear that the United States government can only deal with the national government, the United States is concerned with the KMT and the Communist Party in wartime to maintain "peace." But this did not change the original intention of American diplomats in China to pay attention to the Chinese Communists. As practitioners of the United States' China policy, they sent a report on the Chinese Communist Party to Washington through their own experience, prompting them to change their China policy in a more realistic direction. After Cairo, the policy of limited aid to Chiang was carried out, and the "quasi-ally" relationship between the United States and the Chinese Communists was gradually established. However, this friendly relationship did not continue after the war. The different understanding of China policy, the change of diplomatic personnel in China, and the scramble between the United States and Soviet Union in the far East made the policy of the United States toward the Communist Party slip towards the direction of supporting Chiang Kai-shek and opposing the Communist Party step by step. Although Washington has since tried to change its predicament and adopted a more relaxed policy with the Chinese Communists, it has finally been influenced by domestic political factors, international objective historical circumstances and errors in both sides' strategic perceptions. In the end, the two sides embarked on a hostile road in the 1950s. This article is an account of the limited understanding that the United States has experienced in the evolution of the attitude and policy of the Chinese Communists, the confusion of understanding, passive concern, active contact, limited cooperation, vacillating, and moving towards confrontation, and so on. This paper analyzes the causes and influences of the different policies adopted by the United States towards the Chinese Communists in order to interpret the historical track of the relationship between the United States and the Chinese Communists in the early period. On the basis of this, the paper refines the influencing factors of American policy towards China, in order to explain that the evolution of American attitude and policy towards the Chinese Communists at this stage is the result of multi-interaction, interweaving of various interests, and the impact of various factors on each other. So as a whole to grasp and interpret the stage of the relationship between China and the United States.
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