[Abstract]:West Java is located in the western part of the Indonesian island of Java. Until the colonial era, the region lagged behind the central and eastern parts of Java. And since the beginning of Dutch colonial rule in the East Indies in the early 17th century, especially since the opening of Badawi's port in 1619, the West Java economy has gradually surmounted the rest of the island and eventually became the economic center of the entire island. In this process, the strength of the Chinese people can not be ignored. This paper discusses the distribution and development of Chinese industries with their own characteristics in the process of developing West Java. The history of Chinese development of Java is very long and can be traced back to the Song and Yuan dynasties of China. However, the development of Java by Chinese began to develop further in the early seventeenth century. Throughout the process of the formation of the Chinese industry in West Java, it is a process that has developed and changed in space with the passage of time: from the beginning of the 17th century to the middle of the 20th century, the Chinese industry began in time for more than 300 years. Whether in the industrial scale or economic status is in a rising trend; Under the influence of such a general trend, the activity space of the Chinese has gradually penetrated into the urban and rural areas of the interior from the original coastal areas. The Chinese industry has also experienced the process from opening up the new industry to intervening in the traditional industry, and the industrial structure of the Chinese has also been upgraded and diversified. This paper takes the geographical distribution of West Java Chinese industry in the Dutch colonial era as the research clue, from the historical industry geography angle, carries on the relatively comprehensive analysis to the different period Chinese industry formation factor. At the same time, the relationship between the Chinese industry and the place of origin of the Chinese people is also discussed, combined with the regional distribution of human resources, and my personal views on this issue are also put forward.
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