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发布时间:2018-11-08 17:06
【摘要】: 十二、十三世纪,法国王权崛起,并最终对圣殿骑士团的灭亡起了非常重要的作用。而圣殿骑士团的灭亡也从一个侧面反映了欧洲中世纪中期,特别是法国的历史进程:王权崛起和法兰西民族国家开始形成,教权衰落和十字军东征的失败。 法国王权崛起,逐步消灭国内封建割据势力。圣殿骑士团高度自治的封建割据性质决定了其与王权的对立关系,必然会成为王权的打击对象。王权加强导致对圣殿骑士团的不满和敌视日益增加,最终发动毁灭性的打击。法国王权也以此证明自身的神圣性。 法国王权崛起,法王对十字军东征政策也由支持变为放弃,这成为圣地陷落的重要原因。圣殿骑士团有着军事武装性质和依附于圣地的弱点,在圣地丢失后,也就失去存在的价值。 法国王权崛起,对财富的追求日益增长,王室财政危机不断加重。而圣殿骑士团有着金融经济性质和庞大财产,决定了其容易成为攻击目标,镇压圣殿骑士团成为解决王室财政困难的有效手段。腓力四世的财政困难是引起圣殿骑士团灭亡的导火线。 法国王权崛起,王权逐步战胜教权。圣殿骑士团有宗教修会性质和与教会关系密切的弱点。王权战胜教权,成为镇压圣殿骑士团成功的重要条件。同时,镇压圣殿骑士团,法王进一步削弱了教权。 法国王权崛起,建立封建官僚体系和王室法庭。王权控制司法权,利用了宗教裁判所政治工具的本质特点和高效审判体系,成为镇压圣殿骑士团成功的重要条件。通过诬陷和刑讯,腓力四世打击了政治敌人,并在欧洲范围内全面摧毁圣殿骑士团。 十二、十三世纪法国封建王权崛起的特点是:封建王权的有限性。它比日耳曼王权要强大,但与十六世纪后的专制王权相比又要弱小的多。这些特点在镇压圣殿骑士团上表现非常明显。圣殿骑士团灭亡的根源在于法国王权消除封建割据势力与圣殿骑士团高度自治的本质特点的必然冲突,随着双方实力的此消彼长,两者关系也由合作走向对抗。最终,强大的王权战胜了衰落的圣殿骑士团。
[Abstract]:In the 12 th and 13 th century, Wang Quan of France rose, and finally played a very important role in the fall of the Templar Knights. The fall of the Templar also reflects the historical process of the Middle Ages in Europe, especially in France: the rise of Wang Quan and the formation of the French nation state, the decline of religious power and the defeat of the Crusade. The rise of Wang Quan in France gradually eliminated the feudal separatist forces in France. The high degree of autonomy of the Knights order in the Temple determines its oppositional relationship with Wang Quan, and will inevitably become the object of attack by Wang Quan. Wang Quan's intensification led to growing discontent and hostility towards the Templar Knights order, and a devastating strike. Wang Quan, France, also proved his sanctity. The rise of Wang Quan and the French king's policy toward the Crusades changed from support to abandonment, which became an important reason for the fall of the Holy Land. The order of Knights has the nature of military force and the weakness of attachment to the Holy Land, and loses the value of existence when the Holy Land is lost. With the rise of Wang Quan in France, the pursuit of wealth is increasing, and the financial crisis of the royal family is worsening. Because of its financial and economic nature and huge property, the Templar Knights order is easy to be attacked, and the suppression of the Templar Knights order becomes an effective means to solve the financial difficulties of the royal family. Philip IV's financial difficulties were the trigger for the fall of the Templar Knights. Wang Quan rose in France and Wang Quan gradually defeated the right of religion. The order of Knights has the character of a religious order and the weakness of its close relationship with the church. Wang Quan's victory over religious power became an important condition for the success of the suppression of the Knights Templar. At the same time, the suppression of the Templar Knights, the King of France further weakened religious power. The rise of Wang Quan in France led to the establishment of a feudal bureaucracy and a royal court. Wang Quan controlled the judicial power and made use of the essential features of the political tools of the Religion and the efficient judicial system, which became an important condition for the success of the suppression of the Knights Templars. By falsehood and torture, Philip IV struck down political enemies and destroyed the Templars in Europe. The rise of French feudal Wang Quan in the 12 th and 13 th century was characterized by the finiteness of feudal Wang Quan. It is stronger than the Germanic Wang Quan, but much weaker than the autocratic Wang Quan after the 16 th century. These characteristics are evident in the suppression of the Templar Knights. The root of the fall of the Templar Knights order lies in the inevitable conflict between Wang Quan of France to eliminate the essential characteristics of the feudal separation forces and the high degree of autonomy of the Templar Knights order. As the strength of both sides increases and wanes, the relationship between the two groups also changes from cooperation to confrontation. In the end, the powerful Wang Quan defeated the declining Templar Knights.


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