[Abstract]:This paper attempts to analyze the influence of Arab alchemy on all aspects of Europe after its spread to Europe, emphasizing the effect of experimental ideas on people at that time, so as to explore the oriental origin of European culture during the Renaissance from the scientific point of view. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the preface, briefly introduces alchemy, and explains the reason and significance of the author's topic. The second part analyzes the origin of European alchemy and the ways and means of Arab succession and development to Europe. The third part focuses on the Arab source of the European alchemy experiment, including the concept of emphasizing the experiment, the experimental principles and laboratory instruments, the experimental means and the experimental methods, and the re-understanding of the substance in the experiment. The fourth part discusses the influence of experiment on Europe. The fifth part is the conclusion, emphasizing once again the importance of the integration of eastern and western cultures to the development of civilization.
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