[Abstract]:France and Germany both belong to the core of the European continent, and are also influential powers in the present world pattern. In history, both countries once dominated Europe at different times, showing the style of power. The strong sense of national pride in the French today stems from their proud and glorious history. Louis XIV, who proclaimed "I am the world", expanded France's territory to become the most powerful country in Europe in the 17 th century. Napoleon was ambitious enough to continue to open the land of France, whose empire, in its heyday, once covered the entire continent. France was closer than any other country in history to controlling the whole of Europe. Germany has always been a powerful force for the development of European history. The Holy Roman Empire once dominated Western Europe, and Prussia was regarded as a European power in the mid-and late 18 th century. So every move by France and Germany could have a profound impact on the future of Europe. At the same time, as neighbors, the two countries are closely linked by their territorial borders. The bilateral relations between France and Germany became the axis of European diplomatic relations and deeply influenced the political structure of Europe. The outbreak of the war between France and France in 1870 opened the prologue of the modern history of war in Europe and planted the seeds of hatred between the two countries. Then, after World War I and World War II, the two countries became veritable enemies. What was surprising was that World War II, known as the biggest holocaust in human history, was a turning point in the improvement of relations between the two countries. After World War II, France and Germany quickly converged on the road of reconciliation and cooperation. Although there are many studies on the relationship between France and Germany in China, there is little analysis on the development of the relationship between France and Germany from the end of World War II to the present. From the perspective of France's policy towards Germany after World War II, during the European Union and the European Union, this paper aims to explain systematically the reasons and methods for the analysis of Germany's transition from an old enemy to an ally. The two countries not only achieved historic reconciliation, but also played an active role in the axis of France and Germany, and vigorously promoted European reunification. In the globalization of today, the two countries in the pursuit of their national interests will inevitably produce contradictions and conflicts, this paper will focus on the interaction and understanding between the two countries under the framework of the European Union. After World War II, Franco-German reconciliation complied with the trend of peace and development, but also confirmed the infeasibility of war and fascism to national prosperity. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the successful experience of German reconciliation, thus providing reference for other countries in the world with similar conditions to France and Germany in the field of state-to-state communication.
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