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发布时间:2018-11-18 06:52
[Abstract]:Great changes have taken place in the political structure of Northeast Asia in the 1960s, one of the core contents of which is the contest between the two superpowers around the Korean Peninsula. Under the great international environment of the Cold War, the United States painstakingly managed the front position of South Korea, and its policy of aid to Korea and its multidimensional development became a microcosm of the policy of the United States in Northeast Asia during that period. Although South Korea is an underdeveloped country in American foreign policy, its unique geographical advantage makes it a "anti-communist outpost" and a "democracy window" in the Cold War strategy of the United States. So the main goal of U.S. aid to South Korea in the Cold War context is to maintain the survival of Korean capitalism against the Soviet Union and other communist countries. However, due to the differences between the Li Seung-Man regime and the United States' policy of aiding South Korea, and the weakness and incompetence of the regime of Chang Mian, the political stability and economic development that the United States is looking forward to have not been realized in South Korea. In 1961, Park Chung-hee stepped onto the stage of Korean history through a military coup. The coup changed not only the trajectory of South Korea's development, but also America's view of South Korea's future. This article will discuss in detail the American government's attitude and countermeasures to the coup after the military coup. After Park Chung-hee took office, he opposed the Communist Party, developed the economy, actively negotiated with Japan to resume diplomatic relations, expressed his desire to send troops to Vietnam, and so on, made the United States see the dawn of South Korea's development, and at the same time met the policy objectives of the United States in South Korea. In order to reform the political and economic structure of South Korea, the United States threatened to cut or stop the aid to South Korea by using the favorable lever of aid to South Korea, forcing Park Chung-hee to accept the guidance of the United States. Although the United States adjusted its policy of aiding South Korea according to its own interests, it objectively promoted the economic development of South Korea, realized the "economic take-off" of South Korea during the period of Park Chung-hee 's regime, and also shaped a powerful military bloc for South Korea. Park Zhengxi for the development of political stability played an important role.


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