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发布时间:2018-11-17 17:10
【摘要】: 小亚细亚是连接亚、欧、非三洲的桥梁,也联系着希腊文明与非希腊文明。小亚细亚希腊城邦位于小亚细亚半岛西岸,是东西方国家的交界地带,是战时的桥头堡,和平时代的交流平台。加之土地肥沃,气候怡人,物产丰富,使小亚城邦成为一个高度发达的地区。但由于力量分散,经常被强大势力所觊觎。所以,小亚细亚城邦自从被希腊人创建以来,几经周折,随着统治政权的更迭,在战争与和平之间徘徊,在不同阶段扮演不同角色。历史的发展影响着小亚细亚城邦,小亚细亚城邦更反过来影响历史。所以作为在历史发展中占据重要地位的希腊波斯关系,更深受小亚细亚城邦的影响。 同时,小亚细亚希腊城邦不但连接希腊与外界的沟通,更承接希腊历史的发展,而且由于小亚细亚自身也产生很多成果,所以其独创性不能忽略。在这一段历史中,每一个时间段都有不同的特色,本文以时间为线索,将这个问题分成四个时间段加以分析,包括波斯征服初期、希波战争时期、伯罗奔尼撒战争时期和亚历山大东征时期。从这篇文章可得出这样的结论——小亚细亚城邦对希腊和波斯的关系,甚至对整个地中海世界格局都造成重大影响。
[Abstract]:Asia minor is a bridge connecting Asia, Europe and Africa. It also connects Greek civilization with non-Greek civilization. Asia minor is located in the west coast of Asia minor, the border of East and West, a bridgehead in wartime, and a platform for communication in peacetime. In addition, fertile land, pleasant climate, rich in products, makes the small Asian city-state a highly developed region. But it is often coveted by powerful forces because of its dispersion. As a result, the Asian minor city states, since they were founded by the Greeks, have had many twists and turns, wandering between war and peace and playing different roles at different stages as regimes change. The development of history affects the Asian minor city-states, and the lesser Asian city-states affect history in turn. Therefore, the Greek-Persian relations, which played an important role in the historical development, were deeply influenced by the Asian minor city-states. At the same time, the Greek city-states of Asia minor not only connect the communication between Greece and the outside world, but also undertake the development of Greek history, and because Asia minor itself has produced many achievements, its originality can not be ignored. In this period of history, each time period has its own characteristics. In this paper, time is used as a clue to analyze this problem in four periods, including the early Persian conquest and the Hippo War. The Peloponnesian War and Alexander's Eastern Expedition. From this article we can draw the conclusion that the Asian minor's relations with Greece and Persia, and even the whole Mediterranean world, have a great impact.


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