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发布时间:2018-11-17 16:23
【摘要】: 19世纪末,由于西化大潮的进逼,日本思想界上出现了国粹派,继而形成了国粹思潮。代表人物有志贺重昂、三宅雪岭、陆羯南、冈仓天心等人,他们以“保存国粹”为宗旨,主张推崇日本精神,以期增强国民的自信心,民族自豪感;他们推崇儒家文化,希望用儒家思想统合日益崩溃的社会道德;他们不是冥顽不化的保守主义分子,认为东西方文化各有所长,应调和互补,相对于当时盛行的欧化主义风潮,他们更加看重的是“以日本国粹之胃,咀嚼西方文化,以消化之,与日本文化相同。”由此可见,国粹主义产生之初不可否认地具有发扬本民族文化精神的进步意义。但随着时间的推移,日本经济的发展国力的增强,国粹主义不可避免地演变成明治中期国家主义的一个流派,对内宣扬日本民族优秀论,对外鼓吹侵略论,成为日本右翼分子的精神基盘。时至今日,日本军国主义的阴霾仍不时干扰中日关系的正常发展。为了防微杜渐,警惕历史悲剧的重演,我们有必要识别日本国粹主义历史形态特征,探求这一思想的根源。通过识别日本国粹主义的历史形态特征对中日关系的发展具有重要的时代意义。
[Abstract]:At the end of the 19 th century, due to the advance of westernization, the quintessence of Japanese thought appeared and then formed the trend of thought of quintessence. The representative figures are Shiga Chongang, Miyaku Snow Ridge, Lukara South, Okakura Tianxin and others. They regard "preserving the quintessence of the nation" as their purpose, advocating the Japanese spirit, in order to enhance the national self-confidence and national pride; They admire Confucian culture and hope to integrate the broken social morality with Confucianism. They are not obstinate conservatives. They believe that the cultures of the East and the West have their own strengths and should be reconciled and complementary. What they value more than the prevailing trend of Europeanism at that time is to "chew on the Western culture with the quintessence of Japanese culture." In order to digest it, it is the same as Japanese culture. " Thus, it can be seen that the emergence of quintessence undeniably has the progressive significance of carrying forward the spirit of national culture. However, with the passage of time and the enhancement of Japan's economic development and national strength, populism inevitably evolved into a school of nationalism in the middle of the Meiji period, which preached the theory of Japanese national excellence internally and the theory of aggression abroad. To become the spiritual base of the Japanese right-wing. To this day, the haze of Japanese militarism still interferes with the normal development of Sino-Japanese relations from time to time. It is necessary to identify the historical features of Japanese quintessence and explore the origin of this thought in order to guard against the gradual development of dudun and to guard against the repetition of historical tragedies. It is of great significance for the development of Sino-Japanese relations to identify the historical features of Japanese quintessence.


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