[Abstract]:Irish immigrants were a large group of immigrants who came to the United States in the mid-19th century. The Irish emigrated to the United States for both economic and political reasons. The Irish famine made more people choose to emigrate. Irish immigrants are discriminated against because of their behaviour, poverty and high crime rate. Irish immigrants, mostly concentrated in northeastern cities, work hard and poorly paid to help new arrivals. Irish immigrants made important contributions to the economic development of the United States; were also politically successful, controlling the political machinery of the city; promoted the reelection of the Catholic Church in the United States; and practised reformism in the workers' movement. The paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction introduces the research situation at home and abroad. The text is divided into four parts to introduce. The first part introduces the reasons of immigration, mainly from two aspects: domestic factors and American factors. Britain's exploitative oppression was the root cause of immigration, and the Irish famine prompted more Irish to emigrate to the United States; American gravity was an important factor in Irish immigration. The second part introduces the composition of Irish immigrants, mainly analyzes the number of Irish immigrants, the ways and characteristics of visiting the United States. The third part introduces the life of Irish immigrants in the United States, mainly about residence, occupation and so on. The fourth part introduces the impact of Irish immigrants on American society, mainly from four aspects: economy, politics, Catholicism and labor movement. The conclusion summarizes the contribution of Irish immigrants to American society and culture.
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