发布时间:2018-11-19 20:02
【摘要】:伴随人类文明的产生就开始了各个不同文明群体间的交流和互动。文明的交流和互动不仅是某一个文明或社会发展的动力,同时是其他多个文明或社会进步的动力。因此,研究多元文明的互动也就是研究全球的历史,具有重要的意义。本文旨在通过考察和研究10-12世纪开罗的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人三个宗教文明社团的交流和互动,尝试探索多元文明互动的机制或模式。 本文并非对10-12世纪开罗的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人三个宗教文明群体的各个阶层和各个方面的交流和互动活动做逐一的研究,而是围绕三者之间的交流和互动这个核心主题,从官方和民间层面,从商贸、建筑、艺术、语言等文明的几个领域或方面,展示三个文明群体的互动表现,并进而揭示穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人文明群体间的互动是个复杂的过程,既有敌意冲突,又有“和睦”相处。就969-1171年法蒂玛帝国时期开罗的上述三个文明群体而言,他们的互动总的来说表现为,在特定条件下达成的某种有限的共识,以及在此基础上的共存和共生。与此同时,论文也试图挖掘伊斯兰、基督教和犹太文明互动过程中的传承和借鉴关系,探索开罗社会与当代伊斯兰世界和地中海区域之间的历史联系,从而考察文明互动在世界历史发展中的重要性。 本文由导言、正文和结语三部分组成。 导言部分主要介绍了选题的意义和国内外研究综述,界定了本研究的范围,包括上下限时间、涉及地域和研究对象等,交待了论文的研究和写作思路,简要归纳了本文所尝试运用的全球史研究方法。 正文共分七章。 第一章介绍969-1171年的开罗城的历史变迁,并简要分析了中世纪伊斯兰城市的概念。第二章粗线条地梳理开罗的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人三大宗教社团在开罗的出现和发展。第三章从理论的视角出发,先是从整体上阐述中世纪伊斯兰世界的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人之间的互动关系。然后,具体论述开罗的法蒂玛帝国时期上述三个文明群体的互动关系。在总体上,此三章构成本文的历史情境和基本的互动理念部分,为后面的论文核心章节做了铺垫。 第四、五、六和七章是论文的主体部分。第四章“商业贸易中的合作”论述开罗的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人在10-12世纪的欧亚非远途贸易中的合作状况及其对开罗经济和文化的影响。第五章“建筑和艺术领域里的交融”探讨开罗的伊斯兰建筑和艺术领域里的多元文化交融的情形及其原因。这两章侧重论述穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人三个文明群体在有形的物质领域里的合作、互动和交融。第六章“节庆的共享”揭示了开罗重要的节庆忠伊斯兰、基督教和犹太教文化因素的模糊的界限,表明不同文明的互动在开罗地力文化形成中的作用。第七章“语言文字、教育科学和思想观念的交流”论述穆斯林、督教徒和犹太人群体在这些领域里的互动,表现为埃及地方语言的转型和阿拉伯词汇融入英语、教育和科学领域里对外来文化的汲取、开罗人思想观念和生活方式的适应和改变,等等。此两章着重论述伊斯兰、基督教和犹太教文化在精神领域里的交流、互动和融合。上述四章的结尾段落分别对该章所论领域做简要小结,努力与论文的研究主旨——探索不同文明的交流和互动机制或模式相呼应。 最后,论文的结语简要回顾了10-12世纪整个伊斯兰世界的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太教徒三个文明群体之间的相互认知和互动的整体过程。然后,就笔者从本研究所得出的几点肩脚悟做一概括。 总体而言,就开罗的穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太人三个文明群体的互动模式而言,969-1171年的开罗社会呈现给我们的画面是:上述三个文明群体之间的确存在着敌意、限制、迫害和残杀,似是比较多的却是相互的宽容、利用、认可和相融。
[Abstract]:The generation of accompanying human civilization has begun to exchange and interact among the various civilizations. The communication and interaction of civilizations are not only the power of a certain civilization or social development, but also the power of other civilizations or social progress. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the interaction of multiple civilizations and to study the history of the world. The purpose of this paper is to explore the mechanism or model of multi-civilization interaction through the investigation and study of the communication and interaction between the Muslim, Christian and Jewish religious and cultural associations in Cairo in the 10-12 th century. This article is not a case-by-case study of the exchange and interaction of the various segments and various aspects of the three religious and cultural groups in Cairo in the 10-12 th century, but the core theme of the exchange and interaction among the three, from the official and the civil society At the level, the interactive performance of the three civilizations is shown from several fields or aspects of the civilization of commerce, architecture, art and language, and further reveals that the interaction between the Muslim, the Christian and the Jewish civilization is a complex process, both hostile and 鈥渢o be in harmony鈥,
[Abstract]:The generation of accompanying human civilization has begun to exchange and interact among the various civilizations. The communication and interaction of civilizations are not only the power of a certain civilization or social development, but also the power of other civilizations or social progress. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the interaction of multiple civilizations and to study the history of the world. The purpose of this paper is to explore the mechanism or model of multi-civilization interaction through the investigation and study of the communication and interaction between the Muslim, Christian and Jewish religious and cultural associations in Cairo in the 10-12 th century. This article is not a case-by-case study of the exchange and interaction of the various segments and various aspects of the three religious and cultural groups in Cairo in the 10-12 th century, but the core theme of the exchange and interaction among the three, from the official and the civil society At the level, the interactive performance of the three civilizations is shown from several fields or aspects of the civilization of commerce, architecture, art and language, and further reveals that the interaction between the Muslim, the Christian and the Jewish civilization is a complex process, both hostile and 鈥渢o be in harmony鈥,