[Abstract]:The Yokohama incident was a typical example of Japan's adherence to a unified national system and strict control of public opinion and ideology during the war. Its occurrence is the inevitable result of Japanese militarism and fascism. The Meiji Restoration in 1868 opened Japan's way to capitalist modernization. The Japanese authorities imitated the German political system and established a Meiji constitution with both conservatism and progress. The Meiji Constitution, as the first constitutional bourgeois constitution in Asia, is of progressive significance. However, due to its serious defects, modern Japan took the wrong path of imperial militarism. Taking the sovereignty in the Meiji Constitution as the banner and relying on the independence of the military commander-in-chief, the military forces gradually weakened the political party strength and the ruling foundation through a series of coups, finally abolished the party politics and established the militaristic system. With the September 18th incident of 1931 as a turning point, Japan entered a wartime state, and the war system of the overall war required all fields in the country to serve the war. The establishment of "the great political wing praises" is the symbol of the establishment of wartime political control. Under the wartime system, the whole country was woven into a strong network of "absolute obedience" to its citizens, and the shadow of domestic surveillance was everywhere. In the process of strengthening their own forces, the suppression of domestic democratic forces gradually escalated. After years of repression, Japan's leftist or democratic forces withered, democratic thought, communist thought and anti-war ideology were severely suppressed, and various anti-system struggles came to a standstill. As Japan pursues the strategy of southward advance and relations with Britain and the United States deteriorate gradually, the Japanese government fears that dangerous ideas, especially communist ideas, will recur, and at the same time, in order to further strengthen social control, The Japanese government began a new round of repression of so-called dangerous elements and ideas at the end of 1941. It was against this background that the Yokohama incident took place. The Yokohama incident was actually a series of alleged communist suspects reported and arrested. After the arrest of the so-called Communists or leftists, the police tried to link their statements and activities to communist or espionage activities and forced them to confess their "crimes" by extorting confessions by torture. These small, isolated citizens, unable to protect themselves from persecution in the face of a powerful state apparatus, were brutally tortured by the police, and even four died in prison. Therefore, the study of Yokohama incident can reflect the political control of Japan in wartime, the survival state of Japanese in wartime, especially the left-wing forces, and reveal the abusing of power and trampling on human rights of Japanese government in wartime.
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