[Abstract]:The construction of modern citizens is the foundation and important content of national construction. Both right consciousness and national consciousness, as well as national and citizen characteristics, are the inherent attributes of the nation. National rights, national ownership and national identity constitute the three pillars of modern national, "deregionalization" and "deslavery" are the conditions for the formation of modern nationals. De-localization is the most basic condition, and deservication is the most essential characteristic. The Japanese people under the curtain-vassal system are essentially subjects and are under the object status of political domination. The Meiji government was faced with the important task of transforming its subjects into modern citizens. FukuzawaYukichi, Mori and others put forward the systematic conception of national foundry, and their thoughts and policies greatly influenced the process of the formation of Japanese nationals. What the Meiji government wants to cast is the people who have the national consciousness and can realize the rich country and the foreign expansion line, so they adopt the top-down compulsory way of the state in practice. Through a series of institutionalized measures and methods, the Japanese nationalization channel was successfully created, which gave birth to the loyalty and identity of the modern Japanese people to the country. The Sino-Japanese War completely changed the path of national development before, and was an important symbol of the formation of the "national" characteristics of Japanese nationals in modern times. The hope of the people at the bottom of the society is to turn themselves into citizens with civil rights and freedoms. The liberal civil rights movement played a great role in the formation of the nation. The popular movement in Dazheng era is the second wave of people's struggle to become a nation, and the character of "citizen" has further developed. As a result of both national foundry forces, the influence from the government is much greater than that of the liberal civil rights movement and, later, the DPP. Dazheng democratic society was fleeting, and the character of "citizen", which had just grown up, was strangled, resulting in a tragic return from the nation to its subjects. To a great extent, the modern Japanese national casting became the casting of the national subjects. From Meiji to Taisho, the main characteristics of the formation process of modern Japanese people are as follows: the combination of cross axis interleaving and space-time interaction, the compression of practice process, the obvious stage and imbalance; The strengthening of the difference between the external and the "other" and the temptation of interest. The institutional guarantee of modern country, the formation of the unified market of modern country, the integration mechanism of culture and education of four in one, and the leadership's advancing with the times and effective guidance are the main experiences of the successful foundry of modern Japanese people. The developed education in Edo era and the existing market-oriented economic form provided the objective conditions for the foundry of modern Japanese people. For the needs of imperial expansion, the rulers suppressed the rights of the people in the name of national rights and interests, carried out external expansion under the signboard of national independence, and carried out international oppression, which not only led the people to the wrong path of the state's subjects, but also pushed the country to extinction. This is the modern Japanese people casting a profound lesson. The immature development of modern Japanese civil society is an important reason for this lesson.
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