[Abstract]:World War II had a profound negative impact on American Indians' claims for autonomy. Under the great impact of World War II, the Indian Bureau of Affairs was expelled from the political power center of Washington, constantly losing people, wartime activities became the center of Indian affairs, and the Indian New deal aimed at restoring indigenous autonomy was collapsed. At the same time, in the course of serving in the American army and taking part in wartime production, the Indians frequently contacted with the mainstream society, thus accelerating the process of their acceptance of assimilation. These Indians, who accepted the white way of life, paid more and more attention to the preservation of individual rights rather than Indian autonomy in the early postwar period, and as a result, it became a natural trend for American society to assimilate Indian voices into mainstream society. This provides a basis for ending federal regulation of Indian tribes. Influenced by the above factors, American public opinion obviously turned to abolish the trust relationship between the federal government and the Indians, and assimilate the Indians into the mainstream society, which became the consensus of the American society at that time.
【作者单位】: 南开大学世界近现代史研究中心;
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