[Abstract]:Lombard, a Germanic group, entered Italy in 568 and died in 774, ruling Italy for more than 200 years. The rule of the Lombard changed the state of Italy and made a deep mark in Italian history. The Lombard have made brilliant achievements in law, language, art and so on. In 643, the 17th King Lother (605-652) promulgated the first written code in the history of Lombard, the Lother Code, (Rothair's Edict). This code, which consists of 388 articles, laid the foundation of Lombard law and had a profound influence on later Italian law. This article intends to adopt the research method of history, take materialist historiography as the basic starting point, take the historical theory as the guide, use the comparative analysis method on the basis of mastering the basic historical data, induces and deduces the method of induction and deduction, and interprets the Code of Lother from four aspects. The first level is to explain the background of the promulgation of the Code from the perspective of history and society. The second level, from the "Lother Code" of the criminal law, family law, property law to analyze its main content: the third level, from the rudiments of Lombard law and its Germanic attributes two aspects of the "Lother Code" to explore the characteristics; The fourth level, from the Lombard influence and the role of later generations to explore the historical status of the Lother Code.
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