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发布时间:2018-12-11 16:53
【摘要】:《备边司誊录》是朝鲜备边司按时间次序誊写抄录的关于该机构讨论和处理问题的会议记录。其时间跨度上起光海君八年(1616),下至高宗二十九年(1892)。其间缺载五十四年之记录,现存两百七十三册。此文献不仅记载了朝鲜王朝备边司会议内容,同时还收录了备边司处理相关问题所形成的详细意见与安排。备边司职能的特殊性,使《备边司誊录》成为参见朝鲜王朝政府施政的重要记录。目前学术界对备边司研究较多,对《备边司誊录》则涉及较少,本文在吸收前人对备边司及《备边司誊录》的研究成果基础之上,对《备边司誊录》的史料价值进行初步探讨。 本文主要分为三部分,第一部分对备边司与《备边司誊录》概况进行阐述,其中包括备边司沿革、《备边司誊录》的誊写、内容范围、收藏与使用情况四方面。第二部分以备边司运作为视角对其史料价值进行分析说明,其中涉及备边司人员变化、公事回启及备边司会议进行情况三方面。第三部分以政府施政为视角对其史料价值进行分析说明,其中涉及对后金防务、使者往来、漂人问情、助兵作战、犯越与定界查边以及政策议定的独特性与针对性六方面。 通过对《备边司誊录》史料价值的初步探讨,笔者认为:《备边司誊录》既可视为备边司的会议记录,又可作为朝鲜后期政府的施政记录。以备边司的会议记录而言,考察《备边司誊录》,不仅可见会议的举废及与会人员的变化情况,而且可凸显备边司在公事回启中的中心地位。以政府的施政记录而言,梳理《备边司誊录》,一方面可从细节处着眼政策的筹划与出台,另一方面可见政策实施的动态性与独特性。
[Abstract]:Transcripts are minutes of meetings on the discussion and handling of issues by the DPRK Border Reserve Department in chronological order. Its time span from Guanghaijun eight years (1616), down to the 29 years of Gao (1892). The record is missing for 54 years, and 273 copies remain. This document not only records the contents of the meeting of the Korean Dynasty's Beimien Division, but also includes the detailed opinions and arrangements formed by the latter's handling of related problems. Because of the particularity of the functions of the division, the transcripts of the division have become an important record of the administration of the Korean government. At present, the academic circles have studied more than others, but they are less involved in the "Bianbian Secretary transcript". On the basis of absorbing the previous research results, this paper makes a preliminary discussion on the historical data value of the Bianbian Secretary transcript. This paper is mainly divided into three parts. The first part describes the general situation of the preparation and the "side preparation", including the evolution, transcription, content, collection and use of the company. The second part analyzes the value of the historical materials from the perspective of the operation of the company, which involves three aspects: the change of the staff of the department, the return of business and the meeting of the department. The third part analyzes the value of historical data from the perspective of government administration, which involves six aspects: defense of the late Jin Dynasty, exchange of emissaries, asking about the situation, helping soldiers fight, breaking the border and finding out the boundary, and the uniqueness and pertinence of the policy agreement. Through a preliminary discussion on the value of the historical data of "Bianbian transcripts", the author holds that the "Bianbian Secretary transcripts" can not only be regarded as the minutes of the meeting of the Department of Border Control, but also be regarded as the records of the administration of the late Korean government. As far as the minutes of the meeting are concerned, the inspection of the transcripts of the Secretary for Reserve not only shows the changes of the meeting and the participants, but also highlights the central position of the Secretary for Reserve in the process of returning to business. As far as the government's policy record is concerned, combing the "Secretary for Border keeping transcripts" can, on the one hand, focus on the planning and introduction of the policy from details, on the other hand, it can be seen that the policy implementation is dynamic and unique.


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