[Abstract]:Influenced by the primitive tradition of military democracy, the consenting relationship between monarchs and ministers, the Christian theocratic politics, and King John's tyranny, the Magna Carta came into being in 1215. The Magna Carta protected the legitimate personal and property rights of religious aristocrats. The principle of fair trial was laid down and the authority of the pope and the freedom of the church were protected. It also specifies the privileges of the city, the right of merchants to trade, and the rights and status of women. [Magna Carta] provides the legal basis and guarantee for the development of merchants and commercial society under the law of the king and in Parliament. It became the legal weapon for the Parliament to fight against Wang Quan during the British bourgeois revolution and provided political impetus for the development of bourgeois democratic politics.
【作者单位】: 河南师范大学历史文化学院;
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