[Abstract]:In the 1899 Spanish-American War, although the United States defeated the old colonial empire Spain, the victory did not obliterate the internal defects of the US military in the war, especially the lack of coordination and unity between the armies and the navy, which led to the two armies fighting on their own. Throughout the 20 th century, the U. S. military twice before and after the practice of joint operations command system. The first practice was the creation of a joint meeting of armies and navies, but it was an advisory committee that played a minimal role in US military history. After Pearl Harbor, the United States took part in the war as an ally, but the situation of the US military was not changed by the creation of the joint meeting of armies and navies during the two World Wars. In order to coordinate and unify the British and American armed forces, the two countries created the Joint British and American staff Council, which was responsible for directing the armed forces of the two countries to fight in concert. At the same time, the Joint Chiefs of staff was created within the US military, which focuses on directing US operations during wartime, coordinating military operations between the army and the navy, and providing military advice to the President. After World War II, the retention and abolition of the Joint Chiefs of staff became the focus of heated debate in the US military and political circles. Finally, in the 1947 National Security Act, the Joint Chiefs of staff were retained as President and Secretary of Defense. The National Security Council was advised on military affairs and became a permanent statutory body of the United States. With the effective role of the Joint Chiefs of staff, the Joint Chiefs of staff also withdrew from the historical stage in the later period, but the Joint Chiefs of staff served as the predecessor of the Joint Chiefs of staff. Its 30 years of existence and development history also provides a reference for the Joint Chiefs of staff. This paper consists of three parts, namely, introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into three parts: the first part mainly describes the preliminary practice of the "Joint operational Command system" of the US military, that is, the Joint Army and Navy Joint Conference. The establishment, twice reorganization and evaluation of the joint meeting of army and navy are introduced in this paper. The second part focuses on the establishment and development of the Joint Chiefs of staff. Including the background to the creation of the Joint Chiefs of staff, the wartime reorganization, and the evolution of the Joint Chiefs of staff in the early Cold War. The third part briefly introduces and evaluates the function of the Joint Chiefs of staff. Summing up the full text, the Joint Chiefs of staff changed from a wartime organization at the beginning of its establishment to a statutory military organization after the promulgation of the National Security Act in 1947. The joint chiefs of staff have experienced a lot of reorganization and finally become perfect with the development of the situation at home and abroad. The Joint Chiefs of staff, as the highest military organization in the United States, has played an effective role, but its inherent contradiction has been accompanied by the entire development process of the Joint Chiefs of staff.
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