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发布时间:2018-12-12 16:22
[Abstract]:1890 was the beginning of the investment business of the Russian commercial bank. In the 1880s, the development of Russian industry and commerce and the improvement of the domestic investment environment were prerequisites for the development of the investment business of the commercial banks, and with the continuous development of the domestic economy, The investment business of private companies has developed rapidly, and the business of unsecured securities has sprung up. By 1890, the investment business of Russian commercial banks had taken on the characteristics of specialization. During the period of 1899-1903, the impact of the world economic crisis on the banking industry was quite serious. The business of commercial banks is even more stretched, investment business was very depressed, resulting in the collapse of a large number of commercial banks. In order to ease the trauma of economic crisis, Russian commercial banks take measures such as reducing the proportion of investment business and gradually diversifying their business. Meanwhile, the Russian government also takes relevant remedial measures to realize the integration of investment banking business in the 20th century.
【作者单位】: 莫斯科大学历史系;吉林大学东北亚研究院;


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