[Abstract]:The diplomatic documents are mainly a telegram sent by US Minister to China Johnson to the US Secretary of State before and after the "September 18" incident, describing the incident from a unique perspective. The incident comes in the context of "Japan's domestic politics should be more responsible for the current dangers in Sino-Japanese relations, not what China did or did not do about the case." To American diplomats, Japan's explanation of the cause of the September 18 incident was not credible because "Japan's entry into Chinese territory was too sudden and too coordinated, not as if it had been caused by the explosion of the Nanman Railway at 10:30". In addition, the diplomatic document also confirmed that the order not to resist the Japanese troops was not Jiang Jieshi but rather Zhang Xueliang.
【作者单位】: 江苏省行政学院国际问题研究中心;
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