发布时间:2019-01-07 11:43
【摘要】: 汉晋时期,东北亚地区基本上纳入了中原王朝的大一统之下,但西晋王朝崩溃后,历史发生了划时代的变革。公元四至七世纪正是东北亚历史大变革的时期,在此时期东北亚地区群雄逐鹿,高句丽、百济、新罗、倭国等乘机崛起,不断扩张,它们不仅彼此之间矛盾尖锐,争战不已,而且与希望恢复传统大一统局面的新兴的隋唐王朝发生了尖锐的矛盾,尤其是高句丽,导致隋唐王朝多次东征,,灭亡百济和高句丽,但由于吐蕃崛起,唐朝实现大一统的希望最终功亏一篑,被迫接受在朝贡体制下与新罗和倭国三足鼎立的格局,从而奠定了近现代东北亚地区中、韩、日三国鼎立格局的基础。 本文运用中、日、韩三国史料以及考古发现,将东北亚地区作为一个整体,系统地研究了公元四至七世纪东北亚地区各政权和部族之间的政治关系史,诸如高句丽、百济、新罗、倭国、梲棬、契丹、奚、突厥等的相互关系及其与中原王朝的政治关系史,并对高句丽、百济、新罗三国的兴亡史提出了一些新的看法,为认识东北亚中日韩三国鼎立格局形成定型的历史及其古代相互关系的架构提供了一些新思路。
[Abstract]:During the Han and Jin dynasties, Northeast Asia was basically brought under the unification of the Central Plains Dynasty, but after the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty, historical changes took place. The fourth to seventh centuries AD was a period of great historical change in Northeast Asia. During this period, the Northeast Asian region fought hard. Koguryo, Paiji, Sino and Japan took the opportunity to rise and expand. Not only did they not only have sharp contradictions among themselves, but also continued to fight for each other. Moreover, there was a sharp contradiction with the emerging Sui and Tang dynasties, which wanted to restore the situation of traditional unification, especially Koguryo, which led the Sui and Tang dynasties to many eastern expeditions, perishing Baiji and Koguryo, but due to the rise of Tubo, The hope of realizing unification in the Tang Dynasty finally fell short of success and was forced to accept the three-legged structure of Silla and Japan under the tributary system, thus laying the foundation of the three kingdoms in Northeast Asia in modern and modern times. Using the historical data and archaeological discoveries of China, Japan and South Korea, this paper systematically studies the history of political relations among the regimes and tribes in Northeast Asia from the fourth to the seventh century AD, such as Koguryo and Baiji. The relations between Silla, Japan, Pakistan, Khitan, Xi, Turkic, and the history of political relations with the Central Plains Dynasty, and some new views on the rise and fall of the three countries, Koguryo, Baiji, and Silla, have been put forward. It provides some new ideas for understanding the history of the formation of the tripartite pattern between China, Japan and South Korea in Northeast Asia and the framework of the relationship between them in ancient times.
[Abstract]:During the Han and Jin dynasties, Northeast Asia was basically brought under the unification of the Central Plains Dynasty, but after the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty, historical changes took place. The fourth to seventh centuries AD was a period of great historical change in Northeast Asia. During this period, the Northeast Asian region fought hard. Koguryo, Paiji, Sino and Japan took the opportunity to rise and expand. Not only did they not only have sharp contradictions among themselves, but also continued to fight for each other. Moreover, there was a sharp contradiction with the emerging Sui and Tang dynasties, which wanted to restore the situation of traditional unification, especially Koguryo, which led the Sui and Tang dynasties to many eastern expeditions, perishing Baiji and Koguryo, but due to the rise of Tubo, The hope of realizing unification in the Tang Dynasty finally fell short of success and was forced to accept the three-legged structure of Silla and Japan under the tributary system, thus laying the foundation of the three kingdoms in Northeast Asia in modern and modern times. Using the historical data and archaeological discoveries of China, Japan and South Korea, this paper systematically studies the history of political relations among the regimes and tribes in Northeast Asia from the fourth to the seventh century AD, such as Koguryo and Baiji. The relations between Silla, Japan, Pakistan, Khitan, Xi, Turkic, and the history of political relations with the Central Plains Dynasty, and some new views on the rise and fall of the three countries, Koguryo, Baiji, and Silla, have been put forward. It provides some new ideas for understanding the history of the formation of the tripartite pattern between China, Japan and South Korea in Northeast Asia and the framework of the relationship between them in ancient times.
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