[Abstract]:Sino-British relations during the Pacific War were an important part of Sino-foreign relations during the Anti-Japanese War, and the Sino-British cooperation and differences in Myanmar directly affected the development of Sino-British relations. In this paper, the events between China and Britain in Burma before and after the Pacific War are described in detail in chronological order, and the political disputes behind these events are analyzed. The first part first analyzes the foreign policy and reasons of China and Britain before the Pacific War. Before the Pacific War, Britain carried out a policy of appeasement to fascist countries, mainly to maintain the status quo for Britain and was unwilling to risk resisting fascism to the detriment of its own interests. As in Europe by appeasement at the expense of small countries, so in the far East Britain appeased Japan at the expense of China. Although China has won over Britain many times in diplomacy, it has repeatedly failed. The political distrust between China and Britain is the background of Sino-British cooperation in the Pacific War. The second part of the article discusses the Yunnan-Burma Highway crisis. The closure of the Burma Highway was a continuation of the appeasement policy towards Japan before the outbreak of the Pacific War. Britain tried to avoid the war against Japan by this method, which not only did not bring peace, but also stimulated Japan's ambitions. After the change of British foreign policy, Britain began to seek cooperation with China to fight Japan. Although the British way of dealing with the Yunnan-Burma Highway crisis has increased the distrust between China and Britain, the re-opening of the Dian-Myanmar Highway still opens the door for Sino-British cooperation after the Pacific War broke out. After the Pacific War broke out, British colonies in the far East were attacked by Japanese troops, and Burma was not spared. After the crisis in Burma, Britain turned to China for help, and China and Britain began military cooperation. But Sino-British cooperation was fraught with contradictions, and Myanmar was soon overrun by Japanese forces. Burma's rapid fall was due both to the strength of the Japanese army and to problems within the Sino-British coalition. The third part analyzes the causes of the failure of Sino-British military cooperation and the impact of the fall of Myanmar on Sino-British cooperation. The fourth part shows the discussion of counter-attack on Burma after the fall of Burma. During the meetings, the three countries repeatedly discussed the issue of counter-attack on Burma. Despite several agreements, the counter-attack on Myanmar has failed, and the meetings have been rife with conflicts over the global strategies of China, the United States and the United Kingdom. Sino-British cooperation in this period is more complex, there are irreconcilable contradictions in the global strategy between China and Britain. The fifth part discusses the British political considerations in the Sino-British cooperation in Myanmar, taking time as the main axis, and analyzes the influence of the British far East policy on the Sino-British cooperation after the war. In the recovery of Myanmar, Britain excluded the Chinese factor in an attempt to gain for nothing. Faced with the fact that China gradually became a member of the four great powers in World War II, Britain repeatedly struggled against Japan and restricted China's power, and restricted China by various means, paving the way for a smooth return to the far East after the war. Through a systematic study of Sino-British cooperation and differences in Myanmar, this paper reveals the profound causes of Sino-British cooperation and divergence during the Pacific War, which will be of great benefit to people to further understand Sino-British diplomatic relations in this period.
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