[Abstract]:In the 19th century, Chinese and Japanese intellectuals were in an important period of the historical development of their respective countries. This paper focuses on the relationship between intellectuals and Confucianism in China and Japan, the response to the westerners spreading to the east, the understanding of the West, the sense of foreign crisis, the concepts of worshiping Wen and Shang Wu, and the concept of "Huayi", and so on. The similarities and differences between the two are pointed out. Due to the constraints of traditional Confucianism and imperial examination system, Chinese intellectuals lag far behind Japanese intellectuals in their acceptance and dissemination of western learning. In terms of understanding of the West and crisis consciousness, they are also different from Japanese intellectuals in terms of time, order, and degree, and in the concepts of "worshiping", "Shang Wu" and "Hua Yi". At the same time, there are passive and active differences between Chinese intellectuals and Japanese intellectuals. All these differences are mainly due to the differences in cultural traditions and historical development processes between the two countries, but the role played by different personal conditions and subjective initiative cannot be ignored.
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