[Abstract]:In the 19th century, the awakening of German national and racial ideology led to the failure of the traditional way of integrating Jewish intellectuals into German society. The German Jewish intellectuals who are active in this era are facing severe challenges: they should not only worry about the increasingly rampant anti-Semitic ideology in Germany, but also deal with the thought of Zionism coming into being with the tide of nationalization. He wants to resist the re-exploration of Jewish nationality and to take this opportunity to deepen his identity with the German people. The origin of the contradictory attitude is that the German Jewish intellectuals have unclear position of individual position and national identity, which leads to serious identity anxiety. In response to this problem, most German Jewish intellectuals chose to evade the immediate danger, which can be regarded as one of the reasons why the Jewish tragedies in recent history occurred in Germany.
【作者单位】: 南京大学哲学宗教学系;
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