[Abstract]:At the end of the 16th century, the British followed the Portuguese, and the Dutch came to Asia. In the 17th century, The lucrative profits of Asia's Hong Kong-foot trade have led the British to compete with European countries such as Portugal and other European countries. The British port-foot trade in the 18th century has become an important part of the British East Indian company's trade in Asia and has a major impact on the development of East India. The main problems discussed in this paper are the conditions of the rise of the British port-foot trade, the type of goods and the way of the trade in the Hong Kong-foot trade, the regional change of the Hong Kong-foot trade, the number and the profit of the Hong Kong-foot trade, and the impact of the Hong Kong-foot trade on Asia and the United Kingdom. This paper is divided into four parts: In the first part, the rise of British port-foot trade was discussed. In the 17th century, the British fought a fierce battle to share the lucrative profits of the Asian port and foot trade, and the British opened a series of colonial positions in Asia to lay a foundation for the development and prosperity of the trade in the port of Hong Kong In addition, due to the constraints of various factors in the development of the port and foot trade of the East India Company, the port of the British East Indian Company gradually withdrew from the port On the contrary, the British port of Hong Kong has gradually developed and developed through the challenge of the monopoly of the company and the policies of the company to encourage the trade of Hong Kong's feet. The British port trade in the 17th century has a preliminary The second part discusses the development and decline of the trade of British West to Hong Kong. In the first half of the 18th century, the establishment of the dominant position of Hong Kong's Hong Kong and Hong Kong and the establishment of the ships of the Hong Kong-foot-foot of Calcutta, and the development of the trade between the West and Hong Kong. Prerequisites are provided. West-to-port trade includes the West Coast of the United Kingdom and India, the Persian Gulf As well as the trade in the Red Sea, Hong Kong's feet are mainly used in Bangladesh's cloth, sugar, rice and other goods in exchange for pepper, spices and cotton on the western coast of India, copper in the Persian Gulf, horses and muha's coffee, medicinal materials, gold and silver in the Red Sea, and then distribution of these goods In other parts of Asia, from the 1840s, West to the port, as a result of the political turmoil in the western Indian Ocean and the increase in the price of the goods in Bangladesh The foot trade began to decline. With the decline of the trade between the west and the port of the United Kingdom, the trade in the East to Hong Kong The third part outlines the development of the East-to-Hong Kong-foot trade in the UK. The reason for the prosperity of the East-to-Hong Kong-foot trade mainly includes the trade between the United Kingdom and the Malay, Indonesia, Manila and China, the rise of which is mainly due to the decline of the trade between the West and Hong Kong, and the rise of the British tea trade to China and Britain's conquest of Bangladesh, etc. From the 17th and the 18th centuries, The stage of East-to-Hong Kong's trade is to transport cotton and opium from India to China for the purchase of silver from tea. India's cloth, opium, and opium are transported to all parts of South-East Asia for spices, pepper, tin, and copper, and the goods are then distributed to India, China, Manila, etc. In exchange for other goods and silver, from the '60s to the 1800' s. in that year, it was the rapid development stage of the east-to-Hong Kong-foot trade. the scale of the Hong Kong-foot trade was expanding, in particular The development of trade between Britain and China is the most obvious. The huge profits of the tea trade, To make the East India company actively develop the tea trade, as the UK has been in a trade deficit with China's trade, the East India company is strongly encouraging the Hong Kong-based companies to raise the price of the silver. India's cotton and opium were shipped to China for sale. The high profits of the opium trade, through the way of exchange, provided the East Indian company with the money to buy tea and also reversed the UK's trade in the country. The state of China's large amount of silver flows into the United Kingdom. With the rapid expansion of China's trade, Britain and the United States Malay, Indonesia's trade is also growing. Hong Kong's foot-and-foot merchants sell Malay, Indonesia's spices, pepper, rice, tin, sugar to China, while taking the opium of India It is sold in all parts of South-East Asia by pepper, spices, rice, and copper. These trade The profits are also financed by the purchase of Chinese tea from the United Kingdom. The article finally Part of the discussion on the impact of British port-foot trade on Asia and the UK. In China, Hong Kong's trade in Hong Kong has not only undermined the trade management system in Guangzhou, but and a great deal of opium smuggling has led to a reduction in national wealth and poor people's lives. In India, the trade in Hong Kong's feet India's economy has been badly damaged by the deepening of the Indian economy. In the UK, Hong Kong-foot trade has accelerated the UK's capital accumulation, providing a material base for the industrial revolution, and in South-East Asia, Hong Kong-foot trade is right
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