[Abstract]:The Puschrishdagan Center (茅-Puzrish-Dagan) was founded in the 38th year of the reign of (ulgi), the second King of the third Dynasty of Ur, whose ruins are now located in (Drehem)., now Iraq. At the same time, the royal family and local governors had to sacrifice to the gods and pay livestock for the consumption of the court and other royal officials as well as soldiers, during the third Dynasty of Ur, Wang Quan, the central government, and the number of livestock paying tribute to the king. These receiving and spending tasks require a special agency to manage. In this case, the Puschrishdagan Center was established and played a very important role in the economic management system of the third Dynasty of Ur. Because the mud documents unearthed in Gongfen Center are scattered to different collections and published scattered, it is impossible for the international academic circles to study them systematically and completely. To this end, the Institute for the History of World Classical Civilization at Northeast normal University established the "Reconstruction Project for the Archives of the third Dynasty Gongfen Center" (Drehem Project), whose objective is to reconstruct the archives of the officials lost in the Center and to give basic research to them. It provides the necessary literature for the academic circles to study the politics and economy of this period. This article is part of this grand project. This paper reconstructs the archives of Juba every, an official in charge of cattle and sheep at Gongfen Center. Reconstruction of archives is done in chronological order, Latinized and translated into Chinese and English for Juba every document. By analyzing the reconstruction of the archives, we can draw the following conclusions: Juba every is a cattle and sheep management officer in the center of tribute and animal, he was in Amarsingh from May to 13 months a year (leap December). His job mainly involved two aspects: on the one hand, he took over cattle and sheep from the Abasa corner of the central manager; on the other hand, he paid livestock according to the needs of different societies to sacrifice gods, kings, visitors to foreign countries, and so on. At the same time, he also handed over the dead animal to Shulkio Rumou. Through the reconstruction and analysis of the archives and documents of Juba every, we have a general understanding of the job responsibilities of Juba every and the basic work of the main staff in the same period, the operation mode and structure of the center, in order to further study the politics of the third Dynasty of Ur. Economic, cultural and diplomatic activities provide a rich and detailed literature, which lays a solid foundation for the in-depth study of the basic structure of Sumerian state.
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