发布时间:2019-05-23 02:02
【摘要】: 冷战爆发后,美国为了构筑全球防御体系,出于遏制战略的需要,将一直被西方国家排斥在外的西班牙纳入视野,逐步同西班牙改善关系。由于西班牙佛朗哥政权实行独裁统治,二战期间曾与德意法西斯国家关系密切,因此美国这一举措遭到英法等西方国家的强烈反对。然而意识形态最终敌不过国家利益的需要,在冷战的大背景下,美国愈来愈重视西班牙重要的战略地位。1947年美国出台第一份对西班牙政策的NSC3号文件,1950—1951年NSC72系列文件的制订,标志着美国对西班牙政策的最终确定。1953年9月美国和西班牙签署《美西共同防卫援助协定》,实现了美国对西班牙政策的目标。本文依据国家安全委员会文件、美国对外关系文件等火量原始档案文献,借鉴国内外已有的研究成果,对这一问题进行了较为详细的阐述和分析。 全文共分五个部分: 第一部分简述了二战后初期美国对西班牙的孤立政策。由于西班牙政府的独裁性质,以及在二战中实行亲德意法西斯国家的政策,战后西班牙遭到西方国家的一致抵制,1946年联合国通过12月决议,将西班牙逐出联合国。自称奉行民主自由原则的美国顺应形势,对西班牙同样采取了孤立排斥的政策。然而在孤立背后,美国军方早己悄悄关注到西班牙重要的军事战略价值,这为后来美国改变对西班牙政策埋下了伏笔。 第二部分重点论述了1947—1950年美国对西班牙政策的转变过程。冷战爆发成为美国转变对西班牙政策的契机,1947年美国出台第一份对西班牙政策的NSC3号文件,标志着美国对西班牙政策由此发生重大转折,开始着重考虑西班牙的军事价值。1950—1951年美国出台NSC72系列文件,最终确定美国对西班牙政策的目标为:尽快发展西班牙战略地位的军事潜力;尽早将西班牙纳入北约组织。 第三部分阐述了美国对西班牙政策的实施过程。为实现美国对西班牙政策的目标,1952—1953年美国和西班牙经过艰难谈判,最终签署《美西共同防卫援助协定》,美国获得西班牙的军事基地,向西班牙提供军事经济援助,两国各得其所。 第四部分分析了冷战初期美国对西班牙政策的特点和影响。其政策特点包括美援换基地、美国援助政策由经济援助转向军事援助为主、西欧强烈反对美国对西班牙政策等方面,其中重点分析了美国对西班牙政策的转变遭到西欧国家一致反对这一鲜明特点。影响方面重点分析了美国对西班牙政策的实施成为西班牙重返国际舞台和佛朗哥政权得以维持的重要因素,并对西班牙经济的发展起到一定的促进作用。 第五部分为结语,总结了这一时期美国对西班牙政策的认识,揭示了该政策的深层内涵。冷战初期美国对西班牙政策的演变,从侧面反映出冷战的尖锐和严酷。美国在政策制定过程中,虽然考虑到意识形态因素的重要性,但国家利益仍居首位。因此,尽管西班牙政权独裁性质同西方国家民主原则严重对立,美国仍然选择对西班牙实行亲善政策,这就撕破了美国一贯自诩的民主自由卫道士的面纱,暴露出其民族自利的本质。
[Abstract]:After the end of the cold war, the United States, in order to build a global defense system, will have been excluded from the western countries in view of the need to contain the strategy, and gradually improve its relations with Spain. As a result of the dictatorship of the Spanish Franco regime, a close relationship with the German-Italian fascists during the Second World War, the United States was strongly opposed by the British and Western countries. However, in the background of the cold war, the United States has given more and more attention to the important strategic position of Spain. In 1947, the United States introduced the first NSC3 document to the Spanish policy, and the development of the NSC72 series in 1950-1951, The United States and Spain signed the United States Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement in September 1953 to achieve the goals of the United States in the Spanish policy. This paper, based on the documents of the National Security Council and the original documents of the United States' foreign relations, has made a detailed description and analysis of this problem, using the existing research results at home and abroad. The full text is divided into five Part I: The first part of the first part of the first part of the Second World War, the United States to Spain The isolationist policy of the Spanish government after the war, as a result of the authoritarian nature of the Spanish government, and the policy of the pro-fascist state in World War II, and in 1946 the United Nations adopted the December resolution, by which Spain Expulsion of the United Nations. The United States, which calls itself the principle of democratic freedom, is in the same way as Spain. However, behind the isolation, the U. S. military has quietly focused on the value of Spain's important military strategy, which has changed America's policy toward Spain The second part of the 1947-1950 U.S.-to-West shift. The transition of the tooth policy. The outbreak of the cold war has become an opportunity for the transition of the United States to the Spanish policy. In 1947, the United States introduced the first NSC3 document to the Spanish policy, which marked the major turning point of the United States on the Spanish policy and began to focus on the military value of Spain. In 1950, the United States introduced N. The SC72 series of documents, finalized the United States' goal of the Spanish policy, is to develop the military potential of the strategic position of Spain as soon as possible, as soon as possible The third part describes the United States. The process of the implementation of the Spanish policy. In order to achieve the goals of the United States in the Spanish policy, the United States and Spain, in 1952 and 1953, were in difficult negotiations and, at the end, signed the United States Common Defence Assistance Agreement. The United States had a military base in Spain and provided military assistance to Spain. in that fourth part of the cold war, The United States has the characteristics and impact on the Spanish policy. Its policy features include the US-aid base, the U.S. aid policy is dominated by economic aid to military aid, and Western Europe is strongly opposed to the United States policy of Spain, with a focus on the United States' transition to the Spanish policy Western European countries are in line with this distinctive feature. The impact has focused on the United States' implementation of the Spanish policy as an important factor in the return of Spain to the international arena and the Franco regime, and to Spain The fifth part is the epilogue, and this period is summed up in the United States in Spain The understanding of the policy reveals the deep connotation of the policy, and the policy of the United States in the early part of the Cold War to the Spanish policy The evolution, from the side, reflects the sharp and harshness of the cold war. In the process of policy-making, the United States, while taking into account the sense of consciousness, The importance of state factors, but the country's interests are still in the first place. Therefore, despite the serious opposition of the authoritarian nature of the Spanish regime to the democratic principles of the West, the United States has chosen to apply a pro-good policy to Spain, which has torn America's consistent and self-determination, democratic, free-and-all
[Abstract]:After the end of the cold war, the United States, in order to build a global defense system, will have been excluded from the western countries in view of the need to contain the strategy, and gradually improve its relations with Spain. As a result of the dictatorship of the Spanish Franco regime, a close relationship with the German-Italian fascists during the Second World War, the United States was strongly opposed by the British and Western countries. However, in the background of the cold war, the United States has given more and more attention to the important strategic position of Spain. In 1947, the United States introduced the first NSC3 document to the Spanish policy, and the development of the NSC72 series in 1950-1951, The United States and Spain signed the United States Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement in September 1953 to achieve the goals of the United States in the Spanish policy. This paper, based on the documents of the National Security Council and the original documents of the United States' foreign relations, has made a detailed description and analysis of this problem, using the existing research results at home and abroad. The full text is divided into five Part I: The first part of the first part of the first part of the Second World War, the United States to Spain The isolationist policy of the Spanish government after the war, as a result of the authoritarian nature of the Spanish government, and the policy of the pro-fascist state in World War II, and in 1946 the United Nations adopted the December resolution, by which Spain Expulsion of the United Nations. The United States, which calls itself the principle of democratic freedom, is in the same way as Spain. However, behind the isolation, the U. S. military has quietly focused on the value of Spain's important military strategy, which has changed America's policy toward Spain The second part of the 1947-1950 U.S.-to-West shift. The transition of the tooth policy. The outbreak of the cold war has become an opportunity for the transition of the United States to the Spanish policy. In 1947, the United States introduced the first NSC3 document to the Spanish policy, which marked the major turning point of the United States on the Spanish policy and began to focus on the military value of Spain. In 1950, the United States introduced N. The SC72 series of documents, finalized the United States' goal of the Spanish policy, is to develop the military potential of the strategic position of Spain as soon as possible, as soon as possible The third part describes the United States. The process of the implementation of the Spanish policy. In order to achieve the goals of the United States in the Spanish policy, the United States and Spain, in 1952 and 1953, were in difficult negotiations and, at the end, signed the United States Common Defence Assistance Agreement. The United States had a military base in Spain and provided military assistance to Spain. in that fourth part of the cold war, The United States has the characteristics and impact on the Spanish policy. Its policy features include the US-aid base, the U.S. aid policy is dominated by economic aid to military aid, and Western Europe is strongly opposed to the United States policy of Spain, with a focus on the United States' transition to the Spanish policy Western European countries are in line with this distinctive feature. The impact has focused on the United States' implementation of the Spanish policy as an important factor in the return of Spain to the international arena and the Franco regime, and to Spain The fifth part is the epilogue, and this period is summed up in the United States in Spain The understanding of the policy reveals the deep connotation of the policy, and the policy of the United States in the early part of the Cold War to the Spanish policy The evolution, from the side, reflects the sharp and harshness of the cold war. In the process of policy-making, the United States, while taking into account the sense of consciousness, The importance of state factors, but the country's interests are still in the first place. Therefore, despite the serious opposition of the authoritarian nature of the Spanish regime to the democratic principles of the West, the United States has chosen to apply a pro-good policy to Spain, which has torn America's consistent and self-determination, democratic, free-and-all
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